
来源 :烟台师院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hoko0428001
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《管子·形势解》是专门阐述《形势》篇的。《形势》是一篇哲理性政治作品,具有明显的道家倾向,讲的是宇宙万物的规律和人类社会生活的哲理,概括性极强。这就为《形势解》的作者从自身立场去阐发自己的政治观点留下广阔的域野。诚然,《形势》篇对《解》产生了极大影响,有可能一脉相承,《解》就是稷下学宫里这种师承关系的讲义录,但由于二者成书时代先后不同,所处的社会环境不同,故《解》篇 “Pipe · situation solution” is devoted to “situation” articles. The “situation” is a philosophical political work with an obvious Taoist tendency. It stresses the laws of the universe and the philosophy of human social life, and is extremely general. This leaves a vast field for the author of the “situation solution” to clarify his political views from his own standpoint. It is true that the “situation” has a tremendous impact on “solution” and is likely to come from the same strain. “Solution” is a lecture record of this relationship between teachers and students in Jixia Xuejuegong. However, due to the different age of the two books, the society in which they live Different environment, so “solution” articles
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中考作文,不管怎样文体不限,记叙文依然是更多学生的首选。假如我们在追求立意高远、选材新颖的基础上,在具体构思上能"多 In the test composition, no matter what the st
Love comes through the eyes that see,  And through the ears that hear,  For people are quite beautiful,  And words make feelings clear.    Love comes through the hands that touch,  With unabashed affe
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<正> 我们的哲学时代有时被称为“分析的时代”。这种称呼虽然过于简单,却能使人注意到这样一个事实:当代西方哲学的一个显著特征是占统治地位的分析哲学的出现。分析哲学和近代哲学的主要区别,在于后者主要关心认识论问题,即将主客体对立