Field Investigation of the M_S6.8 Wuqia,Xinjiang Earthquake on October 5,2008

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lili123456li
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A M S 6.8 earthquake occurred on October 5,2008 in the Wuqia region in Xinjiang.The macroseismic epicenter is situated in the Nula village of the Kyrghyz Republic,7km southwest of the Wuqia Yierkeshitan Port in Xinjiang.The epicenter intensity is Ⅷ degrees (outside borders).The areas of intensity Ⅶ and Ⅵ are 7354km 2 and 1031km 2,respectively.This seismic event is related with movement of the NE-trending Kzikeaerkate fault belt.Buildings in the earthquake-stricken area were damaged or affected to a certain extent by this earthquake,accompanied with some phenomena of geological disaster. AMS 6.8 earthquake occurred October 5, 2008 in the Wuqia region in Xinjiang. The macroseismic epicenter is situated in the Nula village of the Kyrghyz Republic, 7km southwest of the Wuqia Yierkeshitan Port in Xinjiang. The epicenter intensity is Ⅷ degrees (outside borders) The areas of intensity Ⅶ and Ⅵ are 7354km 2 and 1031km 2, respectively. This seismic event is related with movement of the NE-trending Kzikeaerkate fault belt.Buildings in the earthquake-stricken area were damaged or affected to a certain extent by this earthquake, accompanied with some phenomena of geological disaster.
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