
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tina_lh
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Objective: To assess maternal mortality and determine the most common causes of maternal death among Palestinian women. Methods: Available data on the 431 women who died between the ages of 15 and 49 years in the West Bank in 2000 and 2001 were reviewed. The data were collected from official agencies and, using the verbal autopsy approach, interviews of the deceased women’s relatives. The interviews were conducted in all 10 districts of the West Bank over 30 months. Results: Maternal mortality ratios for 2000 and 2001 were 29.2 and 36.5 per 100,000 live births, respectively. Cardiovascular diseases and hemorrhage were the most common causes of death. Misclassification was found in 38% of the deaths. A tentative analysis of avoidability indicated that 69% of maternal deaths could be classified as avoidable. Conclusion: A majority of thematernal deaths identified were avoidable. Substandard classification of maternal deaths is hampering efforts to reduce maternal mortality.
现代医学日益发达,药物的应用十分普遍,药物在治疗疾病的同时也会产生一些不良影响。据临床观察表明,有许多药物对精子的生成、男子的性功能等有不良的影响。其影响的程度取决于多种因素,如药物的剂量,服药时间的长短等。其中个体的敏感性也是个重要原因。  目前据临床研究,以下几类药物对男子生育力的影响较大。  (1)治疗肿瘤的化学药物:临床观察证实,绝大多数的化疗药物有导致男性不育的副作用。如环磷酰胺,该药可
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近几年,笔者等在辽宁省北镇县的瘳屯青年林场和沟邦子等地营造的护堤林带的西荒快柳(旱快柳)Salix matsudana koids var.ansha-nensis C.Wang et J.Z.Yan枝干上发现一种新的
无论春播或夏播,棉花抗病品种根际真菌区系中对棉花枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum)具有抑制作用或较强抑制作用的种数和比例均高于感病品种。与感病品种各生