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一、投资项目前景随着国民经济蓬勃发展,为了提高水泥包装的质量,国家建材局96年20号文件“关于淘汰水泥包装用无复膜编织袋的通知”要求全国各地生产被淘汰的水泥包装厂家要抓紧产品的转换工作,各地水泥生产企业尽快停止使用淘汰袋,最迟不得超过1996年12月31日。为了达到水泥包装《国家标准》大力发展生产复合袋,满足国内庞大的市场,本集团是国内大型的水泥袋制袋企业,受国家科委委托,在中科院的帮肋下,经两年多时间不断改进、开发自行设计国内最先进的全自动圆筒纸塑复合水泥袋机组,可以与原有的圆筒编织袋厂配套。迅速采用复合袋,已是大势所趋,前景十分喜人。二、项目原料该机组所需的原材料为纸袋纸,编织袋、涂膜料,国内市场极易采购。为了保证复合材料的抗拉强度和剥离力,公司与中科院塑料研究所共同研制了实践中可行的复膜工艺和原料配方,也可用再生料,这项技术是国内任何一家企业所无法比拟的。三、设备厂房投资本机组每套包括平移式双膜头挤出机、复膜机、双工位放送器,自动裁切和光电控制系统。总投资共需肆 I. Prospects for investment projects With the rapid development of the national economy, in order to improve the quality of cement packaging, the 96th National Building Material Bureau Document No. 20 “Notification on Eliminating the Use of Non-laminated Woven Bags for Cement Packaging” requires production to be eliminated from all parts of the country. Cement packaging manufacturers should pay close attention to the conversion of products. Cement production companies around the country should stop using the phase-out bags as soon as possible, and they must not exceed December 31, 1996 at the latest. In order to achieve the “National Standard” for cement packaging, to develop and produce composite bags, and to meet the huge domestic market, the Group is a large-scale cement bag making enterprise in China. It was entrusted by the State Science and Technology Commission and under the help of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for more than two years. Continuous improvement and development of self-designed domestic most advanced fully automatic cylindrical paper-plastic composite cement bag unit can be matched with the original cylinder woven bag factory. The rapid adoption of composite bags is a general trend and the outlook is very gratifying. II. Project Raw Materials The raw materials required by the unit are paper bags, woven bags, and coating materials. The domestic market is extremely easy to purchase. In order to ensure the tensile strength and peeling force of the composites, the company and the Institute of Plastics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly developed a feasible laminating process and raw material formulation, and also used recycled materials. This technology is unmatched by any domestic company. III. Investment in equipment and plants Each set of the unit includes a double-head extruder, a laminating machine, a duplex positioner, an automatic cutting and photoelectric control system. Total investment required
近年来,郎溪县人民检察院先后荣获全国检察机关司法警察编队管理示范单位、安徽省检察机关先进集体、安徽省文明接待室、安徽省“青年文明号”、安徽省政法 In recent years
一说起浪费,人们往往会立刻想到大酒店里没吃几口就倒掉的山珍海味,就会想到花上亿元建起又毁掉的豆腐渣工程,甚至有人会想到每年全国开的大大小小有用没用的会议。当然,还有人人皆知的公款旅游、公车消费。这些数字加起来比较吓人,心脏有病的朋友怕要受不了,我也就不去充当那不是人的吓人角色了。我要说的是一种人们眼睛看不到的、一般的计算工具又无法统计的浪费,但却是更令人痛心的浪费。  先说夫妇都是第二代居里夫妇学