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7月4日,从沈阳市法库县发改局得到消息,今年以来,法库县新开、复工投资500万元以上项目71个,其中亿元以上项目9个,总投资59.5亿元,到6月末完成投资17.3亿元。“法库县今年有11个重点项目被列为市级重点项目,目前已全部开复工。”法库县发改局负责人介绍。年初以来,法库县按照“在建项目抢进度、签约项目抢开工、意向项目抢落实、竣工项目抢投产”的工作思路,结合区域特点,大力发展特色主导产 July 4, Shenyang City, Faku County Development and Reform Bureau received the message this year, Faku County newly opened, the return of more than 500 million investment projects 71, of which more than 9 billion yuan project, with a total investment of 5.95 billion yuan, The end of June to complete the investment of 1.73 billion yuan. “Faku County this year, 11 key projects are listed as key projects at the municipal level, has now fully resumed. ” Faku County Development and Reform Bureau responsible person introduction. Since the beginning of the year, Faku County has been working in line with the principle of “progress of construction projects being grabbed, construction of contracted projects being grabbed, construction of intention projects being carried out and construction of completed projects being put into operation.” In light of the regional characteristics,
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经自然腔道内镜手术(nature orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery,NOTES)由于其微创、美容效果好等优势在泌尿外科应用越来越广泛。目前认为经阴道途径是NOTES中最好的
在图 1所示的装置中 ,平行金属导轨 MN图 1和 PQ位于同一平面内 ,相距 L,导轨左端接有电源 E,另一导体棒 ab垂直搁在两根金属导轨上 ,整个装置处于竖直向下的匀强磁场中 ,磁