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近年来,在糖市持续低迷,企业盈利下滑,职工收入受到很大影响,国有企业改革不断深入的形势下,对基层职工的思想政治工作提出了新要求。红河制糖公司为适应新常态新形势,围绕企业经营管理中心工作,持续探索与公司发展相匹配的企业思想政治工作新模式,以“一轴双翼”即以深化企业民主化管理为轴心贯穿思想政治工作,以积极发挥公司工会作用,加强班组建设为两翼,常态化开展主题教育活动,依托现代计算机、网络传媒技术为平台,坚持面向基层、深入实际,加强思想政治工作,夯实职工群众基础,满足广大职工精神文化需求,营造了积极和谐的文化氛围,引领企业思想政治工作新发展。 In recent years, with the downturn in the sugar market, the decline in corporate profits, the huge impact on the employees’ income and the deepening reform of state-owned enterprises, new demands have been placed on the ideological and political work of grassroots workers. In order to adapt itself to the new normal situation and work around the operation and management center of the Company, Honghe Sugar Company continued to explore new modes of ideological and political work that match the development of the Company. With “one axis and two wings” as its axis, deepening the management of democratization of enterprises Throughout the work of ideological and political work, we should actively give play to the role of trade unions in our company and strengthen the team building as the two wings. We should carry out thematic educational activities in a normalized manner. We should rely on the modern computer and internet media technologies as a platform, adhere to grassroots work, deepen our work and strengthen ideological and political work, Mass base to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of workers and staff to create a positive and harmonious cultural atmosphere and lead the new development of ideological and political work.
摘 要:语文是一门基础性的重要学科。在诸多的学科中语文是基础的基础,作为中国人首先应该学好汉语。语文不仅仅是培养语文技能的学科,更应该是培养情感、陶冶性情、提高学生文化修养和综合素质的重要学科。  关键词:初中语文;教学组织;教学情境  一、初中语文教师应该扮演好语文课堂教学组织者的角色  语文教学是一台戏,教师只有认真演好自己的角色,我们才能提高这台戏的质量。课堂教学是学生获得知识的主渠道,教师
玉米大斑病是严重危害玉米生产的一个世界性真菌病害。由于玉米大斑病菌 (Exserohilumturcicum)在无性生长过程中迅速产生黑色素 ,致使原生质体难以分离。测试了包括Fungase