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矿产资源保护不仅仅保护矿产资源本身,还要保护矿产资源所依附的自然生态系统。矿产是矿区生态系统的有机组成部分,保护矿区生态也就保护了矿产。区际矿区生态补偿制度是矿产品消耗大省、矿产资源小省的矿产品消费行为对矿区居民、矿区生态造成的外部性进行补偿的制度,突破以往“谁开发破坏,谁恢复赔偿”的模式,而创新性地将矿产品消费创造经济财富的受益者——政府作为矿区生态补偿主体。建立区际矿区生态补偿制度,有利于矿区生态保护,有利于减少矿产资源破坏浪费现象,它兼顾经济可持续发展和生态文明构建的时代性目标,是中国在经济转型发展时期矿产资源保护立法的新突破,是完善矿产资源保护法体系的重要路径。 The protection of mineral resources not only protects the mineral resources themselves, but also protects the natural ecosystems to which mineral resources depend. Minerals are an integral part of the mine ecosystem and protecting the mine ecology also protects the minerals. Interregional mining ecological compensation system is a system of compensation for the externality caused by the inhabitants and mining areas in the province where the consumption of mineral products is high and the mineral resources province is a province. , And the government, the beneficiary of mineral consumption creation and economic wealth creation, is the main body of ecological compensation in the mining area. The establishment of regional ecological compensation system for mining areas is conducive to the ecological protection of mines and is conducive to reducing the destruction and wastage of mineral resources. It takes into account the timeliness goal of economic sustainable development and the construction of ecological civilization. It is also the objective of protecting mineral resources in the period of economic restructuring and development A new breakthrough is an important way to improve the law of mineral resources protection law.
<正> 方法:取白花蛇舌草50克煎水服用,每日1剂。药渣加水1000毫升煎水晾温后搽洗患处,每日三次,用药期间忌食辛辣。王××,男,20岁。患寻常痤疮已两年,反复应用四坏素、乙菧
纹章制度(Heraldic System)是为了维持纹章的正常使用、保证纹章政策顺利实施而构建的一整套与之相关的具有约束力和规范性的运行机制。纹章制度伴随纹章在英格兰的出现与流行产生,其内容也随着社会的转型变迁发生相应的变化。都铎王朝时期,已经建立起一套以国王为中心的系统化、全面化的纹章制度。通过对都铎纹章制度的分析,可为探究都铎王权问题提供一个新颖的视角,具有着重要的研究价值。第一章叙述都铎王朝
<正> 自1981年以来,应用芍药甘草汤加味治疗激素停用后综合征34例,其中男20例,女14例;年龄11~40岁;应用激素7天以上者25例,15天以上8例,1例用药达31天。停药后均有不同程度的