铁道部基本建设总局 基技(65)字第870号 抄发建筑工程部关于批准中悬钢天窗等建筑构配件图作为工业建筑构配件国家标准图的通知希知照由

来源 :铁路标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuweidexin
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各设计院,各工程局,各铁路局:按建筑工程部的(65)建许设字54号文关于批准中悬钢天窗等建筑构配件图作为工业建筑构配件国家标准图的通知,茲抄知如下:“冶金工业部黑色冶金设计总院编制的中悬钢天窗建筑配件图,第五机械工业部第五设计院编制的钢筋混凝土过梁构件图,已由建筑标准设计协作委员会建筑及结构专业组分别审查通过。我部根据国家基本建设委员会(65)基设字19号通知规定,同意该两项图集作为工业建筑构配件国家标准图。图的编号如下: Various design institutes, engineering bureaus, and railway administrations: According to the Notice of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering (65) on the establishment of the No. 54 Document on the approval of the construction drawings of the suspended ceilings and other architectural components and accessories as a national standard drawing for industrial architectural components, Propagation is as follows: “The figure of the mid-span steel skylight building fittings prepared by the General Metallurgy Design Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry and the figure of the reinforced concrete lintel prepared by the Fifth Design Institute of the Fifth Ministry of Machinery Industry have been constructed by the Building Standards Design Cooperation Committee. The structural professional groups were examined and approved respectively, and the Ministry of Industry approved the two atlases as the national standard drawings for industrial architectural components according to the provisions of the National Basic Construction Committee’s (65) Circular No. 19 Notice.
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上文及本文均译自“American Mach In’st”1948年7月号Practical idea栏。在车床上夹持长而且薄的工作物,有时并不容易。尤其当工作物必须两端夹紧,使中心眼与车床中心线重
那是谁的手?翻覆之间,就让阴霾布满你我的天空……想起来我的心还隐隐作痛我是说,哪一片人生没遭遇过挫折?好比一棵树,长着长着,猝不及防,幼枝就被它挫伤了,折断了。 Whose