
来源 :中华中医药学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haicang
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通过对广西少数民族地区农村消化疾病诊治适宜技术现状调查,发现广西少数民族地区农村消化疾病普遍存在诊治水平较低,专科诊疗设备缺乏,消化疾病诊治技术匮乏,尤其是中医、中西医结合消化疾病的诊治技术严重缺乏等现象,这是严重制约当地消化疾病诊疗水平的主要原因。因此,针对这些地区开展“简、便、廉、验”的中医、中西结合适宜技术的推广应用有其重要的现实意义,有利于提高基层医疗卫生机构卫生人员的服务水平和服务能力,降低治疗成本;政府方面若能配合实施双向转诊、提高报销比例等政策有利于提高消化疾病诊治水平与解决农民看病难与看病贵的问题。 Through the survey of the suitable technology of diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases in rural areas in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it is found that the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases in rural areas inhabited by ethnic minorities in Guangxi are generally low, the lack of specialized medical equipment and lack of diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases, especially the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine Diagnosis and treatment of a serious lack of technology and other phenomena, which is seriously restricting the diagnosis and treatment of local digestive diseases the main reason. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to promote the application of suitable technologies in China and the West to “simple, convenient, honest and testable” TCM in these areas and to improve the service level and service capability of health workers in primary medical and health institutions. Reduce the cost of treatment; if the government can cooperate with the implementation of two-way referral to improve the proportion of reimbursement and other policies conducive to improving the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases and solve the difficult problem of farmers and expensive medical treatment.
The issue of health status and care for the elderly in urban and rural areas is becoming increasingly serious in the rapid context of population aging in China.
介绍了近几年来富勒烯 [60]有机高分子化合物在非线性光学领域的研究进展以及对它们的合成方法进行了综述。
本文通过双缩脲法建立了测定胰岛素透粘膜制剂的方法。样品经过预处理后,加入4 m L双缩脲试剂和1.5 m L三氯甲烷萃取,再以4 000 r/m in 离心5~10 m in,在540nm 测定其吸光度。样品平均回收率为101.7% ,RSD= 2.5% 。 In this