新年伊始,全球是新的,中国是新的,石油也是新的。 2001年,我们国家是新的:我们经历了江泽民总书记“七一”发表重要讲话,精辟而深刻地阐述“三个代表”重要思想的政治享受;我们经历了北京获得2008年奥运会主办权的狂欢之夜;我们经历了中国获准加入WTO的自豪时光。石油也是与时俱进,各方面的工作都取得了新的业绩。此时此刻,我们感慨万千:时代的潮流,就是长江后浪推前浪,一浪更比一浪高;历史的脚步,就象滚滚江河东流水,汹涌澎湃,势不可挡;事物的发展,也必然是在否定之否定中前进,也一定是“事事如棋局局新”,“总把新桃换旧符”。
At the beginning of the new year, the world is new, China is new, and oil is new. In 2001, our country was new: We experienced the important speech delivered by General Secretary Jiang Zemin on “July 1”, penetratingly and profoundly expounding the political enjoyment of the important thinking of the “three represents.” We have experienced the right of Beijing to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Carnival night; we have experienced the pride of China’s accession to the WTO. Oil is also advancing with the times and new achievements have been made in all aspects of its work. At this very moment, we are filled with emotion: the trend of the times is that the waves in the Yangtze River push the waves before them. The waves of history are like the currents flowing east and west. There is surging and overwhelming momentum. The development of things must also be In the negation of the negation of progress, it must be “things such as chess bureau new”, “always put the new peach for the old symbol.”