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用触目惊心来形容时下世界范围内日益严重的毒品犯罪,似乎已显得分量不够:目前国际毒品年交易额在5000亿美元以上,相当于世界贸易总额的13%;我国有吸毒问题的县已占全国县市总数的70%,按国际上对吸毒人数的统计惯例,全国吸毒者至少有 50多万人,其中 65%的人是青少年…… 面对这一切,等闲视之,不行,悲天悯人,不行,唯有行动起来,对吸毒、贩毒、种毒等一切犯罪行为坚持不懈予以坚决打击。这就需要在全国范围内进一步打好禁毒的人民战争。各级人武部门和广大民兵、预备役人员要自觉地投入这场专项斗争。 为此,民兵、预备役人员仅仅做到洁身自好还远远不够,必须宣传群众、教育群众、发动群众、组织群众,使有毒必肃、贩毒必惩、种毒必铲、吸毒必戒的政策深入人心,提高全民禁毒意识。同时,还要看到,毒品犯罪不同于其它犯罪的一个显著特点就是,犯罪分子大多外有依托、内有接应、武器精良、手段隐蔽、凶狠狡诈。因此,与之斗争,既要有不怕流血牺牲的大无畏英雄主义气概,还要练就过硬的军事技术,在斗勇的同时还要善于斗智, 要精心组织,严密部署,务求全胜。云南勐海等县的人武部门和民兵已经这样做了,我们希望其他地区的人武部门和民兵也能这样做,不获全胜,决不收兵! It is appalling to find that there are not enough components in the world now that the increasingly serious drug crime nowadays amounts to less than one billion U.S. dollars. At present, the annual volume of international drug trade is more than 500 billion U.S. dollars, equivalent to 13% of the total world trade. The number of counties with drug abuse accounts for the entire country 70% of the total counties and counties, according to the international statistical practice of the number of drug abusers, there are at least 500,000 drug users in the country, of whom 65% are young people ... In the face of all this, Only by acting can we crack down on resolutely persevere in all criminal acts of drug abuse, drug trafficking and poisoning. This will require further nationwide anti-drug people’s war to be fought. The armed forces departments at various levels and the vast numbers of militia and reserve personnel should consciously devote themselves to this special struggle. To this end, the militia and reservists only have enough to do their part. It is still not enough. We must publicize the masses, educate the masses, mobilize the masses and organize the masses so that the policies of poisoning, drug trafficking and punishing, drug poisoning and drug abuse must be deeply rooted among people , Raise awareness of anti-drug people. At the same time, we must also see that one notable feature of drug crimes that is different from other crimes is that most criminals rely on them outside their borders, and there are collaterals, excellent weapons, concealed tactics and vicious deception. Therefore, to fight it, we must not only be afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice in a dauntless heroism, but also practice excellent military technology. We must be brave and at the same time we must be good at fighting wits, and we should make careful arrangements and make arrangements so as to win victories. The armed forces departments and militias in the Menghai and other prefectures of Yunnan have done so. We hope that the people’s armed forces and other militias in other areas will do the same. They will not be victorious and will not recruit troops!
男性爱上“面子”运动    一位广州小公司的老板程先生对记者称,以前对美容化妆根本没有什么认识,甚至对家人经常光顾美容院很反感,但经济条件的改善特别是有了自己的公司后,观念有了明显的改善,公司要扩大,生意场上交往机会多了,不注重形象肯定是不行了。现在基本上三五天就会去做个洗面什么的,家里也有了自己成套的化妆品。据记者了解,有过程先生类似经历的男性还不在少数。  记者走访多家大商场的化妆品专柜后发现
2007年度中国葡萄酒行业在一个看似温和的气氛中平稳过渡,但是如果从本年度出现的主流事件来看,市场并没有看上去那样平静。继2006年行业 In 2007, the Chinese wine indust
当可口可乐欲以约179.2亿港元全资收购汇源果汁的消息被公布后,立即在互联网上引起了网民的强烈抵制。  有人声讨说这是外资巨头的新一轮“空袭”;有人则哀叹又一个民族品牌即将倒掉。很多网民似乎已经形成了思维惯式:每当中国企业介入国际并购,便意味着又一场苦情的悲剧即将上演。  抵抗力量和以前一样,来自于网络。    在汇源集团北京总部办公楼的旁边,生长着一些柿子树,在每一个冬天,树叶都会落光,只挂满累