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目的 探讨雌激素及孕激素与免疫系统相互作用。方法 分析近几年国内外研究成果及文献。结果 雌激素具有免疫抑制及免疫刺激双重作用。超生理剂量的E2可抑制外周血淋巴细胞增殖反应 ,小剂量E2则刺激外周血淋巴细胞增殖 ,雌激素是影响淋巴组织和淋巴细胞内的环核苷酸水平 ,从而调控淋巴细胞系前体的发育和功能。孕激素对淋巴细胞的活性作用概括为 :①孕激素对未激活的淋巴细胞无影响。②在淋巴细胞激活的初起阶段时 ,孕激素即抑制DNA合成。③对于激活的细胞 ,孕激素对3 H -TdR吸收的影响是可逆的。④孕激素对激活的细胞内酶系统参与DNA的合成无影响。此外孕激素还能抑制由ConA诱导的淋巴细胞转化 ,对吞噬细胞的依赖性及雌激素的嗜酸性粒细胞增多效应 ,说明它在非特异免疫中也有一定作用。随着神经内分泌免疫学的发展 ,以及大量的临床观察发现激素水平质和量的变化导致了许多自身免疫性疾病 ,使人们对激素与免疫系统之间的相互作用、相互调节越来越感兴趣。目前 ,国内外学者通过大量的动物实验和临床研究 ,一步步揭示了激素在免疫调节中对免疫网的一个个成分的作用 ,为研究一些发病机制不明的疾病提供了一定的理论依据。本文就雌孕激素对免疫系统的影响做一概述。结论 激素可影响一种或一系列复合的调? Objective To explore the interaction between estrogen and progestin and immune system. Methods Analyzes the research results and literature at home and abroad in recent years. Results Estrogen has the dual role of immunosuppression and immune stimulation. Eosinophil dose E2 can inhibit the proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, while the low dose E2 can stimulate the proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Estrogen affects the level of cyclic nucleotide in lymphoid tissues and lymphocytes, Development and function. Progesterone on lymphocyte activity summarized as: ① progesterone on the non-activated lymphocytes had no effect. ② in the early stages of lymphocyte activation, progesterone that inhibits DNA synthesis. ③ For activated cells, the effect of progestins on 3 H -TdR uptake is reversible. ④ progesterone on the activation of intracellular enzyme system involved in the synthesis of DNA had no effect. In addition progesterone can also inhibit ConA-induced lymphocyte transformation, phagocytic dependence and estrogen eosinophilia, indicating that it also has a role in non-specific immunity. With the development of neuroendocrine immunology and a large number of clinical observations, it has been found that the changes of the quality and quantity of hormones lead to many autoimmune diseases, and people are more and more interested in the interaction and mutual regulation of hormones with the immune system . At present, domestic and foreign scholars through a large number of animal experiments and clinical studies, reveal step by step hormones in immunomodulation on the immune network of a component of the role of some of the pathogenesis of unknown disease provides a theoretical basis. This article gives an overview of the effects of estrogen and progesterone on the immune system. Conclusion Hormones can affect one or a series of complex adjustments
目的 :测定复方羌芪水提液的体外抗 CVB3作用 ,并对其抗病毒机理进行初步的探讨。方法 :用含不同浓度复方羌芪水提液的维持液培养 CVB3感染的 Vero细胞 ,48h后用 MTT法测定细
我科自1990~1998年来共收治肠系膜上动脉综合征11例,其中1例经内科保守治疗痊愈出院,另10例均行手术治疗,手术方法采用十二指肠空肠上段"交臂式" 吻合,术后疗效满意.现报道如
目的 :探讨造血干细胞移植治疗白血病和淋巴瘤的疗效、移植过程中的并发症及其预防和移植后的植活证据及微小残余病灶检测等问题。方法 :2例行同胞间异基因骨髓移植 (Allo- B