
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwqwqw66
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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE-Although there is some Early evidence showing the value of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS)in stroke rehabilitation,the therapeutic effect of high-frequency rTMS,along with the physiology of rTMS-induced corticomotor excitability supporting motor learning in stroke,has not been established.This study investigated high-frequency rTMS-induced cortical excitability and the associated motor skill acquisition in chronic stroke patients.METHODS-Fifteen patients with chronic hemiparetic stroke(13 men;mean age 53.5 years)practiced a complex,sequential finger motor task using their paretic fingers either after 10 Hz or sham rTMS over the contralateral primary motor cortex(M1).Both the changes in the behavior and corticomotor excitability before and after the intervention were examined by measuring the movement accuracy,the movement time,and the motor-evoked potential(MEP)amplitude.A separate repeated-measures ANOVA and correlation statistics were used to determine the main and interaction effects as well as relationship between the changes in the behavioral and corticomotor excitability.RESULTS-High-frequency rTMS resulted in a significantly larger increase in the MEP amplitude than the sham rTMS(P < 0.01),and the plastic change was positively associated with an enhanced motor performance accuracy(P < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS-High-frequency rTMS of the affected motor cortex can facilitate practice-dependent plasticity and improve the motor learning performance in chronic stroke victims. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE-Though there is some Early evidence showing the value of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in stroke rehabilitation, the therapeutic effect of high-frequency rTMS, along with the physiology of rTMS-induced corticomotor excitability supporting motor learning stroke, has not been established. This study investigated high-frequency rTMS-induced cortical excitability and the associated motor skill acquisition in chronic stroke patients. METHODS-Fifteen patients with chronic hemiparetic stroke (13 men; mean age 53.5 years) practiced a complex, sequential finger motor task using their paretic fingers either after 10 Hz or sham rTMS over the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1) .Both the changes in the behavior and corticomotor excitability before and after the intervention were examined by measuring the movement accuracy, the movement time, and the motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude. A separate repeated-measures ANOVA and correlation statistics were used to determine the main and interaction effects as well as relationship between the changes in the behavioral and corticomotor excitability .RESULTS-High-frequency rTMS resulted in a significantly larger increase in the MEP amplitude than the sham rTMS (P <0.01), and the plastic change was positively associated with an enhanced motor performance accuracy (P <0.05). CONCLUSIONS-High-frequency rTMS of the affected motor cortex can facilitate practice-dependent plasticity and improve the motor learning performance in chronic stroke victims.
爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”这就是说一个人一旦对某事物有了浓厚的兴趣,就会主动去求知、去探索、去实践,并在求知、探索、实践中产生愉快的情绪和体验。所以,语文教师在课堂阅读教学中一定要把学生的学习兴趣激发起来,才能更好地提高课堂教学效率,才能使语文教学的半壁江山——阅读教学得到进一步优化。本文就如何抓好课堂学生的激情点,优化阅读教学,浅谈自己的一点看法。  一.巧设悬念,激发兴趣  上课伊始
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