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在纪念邓小平同志诞辰100周年的日子里,全国上下都在用各种方式深切缅怀这位世纪伟人的丰功伟绩。邓小平以他的无产阶级革命家的胆略,以非凡的理论勇气,从现实出发,顺应历史潮流,创立了建设中国特色的社会主义理论,推动了社会变革和把中国带进了一个新时代。站在历史的高度,回首改革开放以来这20多年走过的历程,我们伟大祖国的每一个前进的脚步,都与邓小平的名字紧密相连。伟人的功绩,之所以名垂史册,就是因为他能够用巨人般的手,指点江山,引领航向,把自己的思想观念,自己的理论探讨,从现实的国情出发,通过党和国家的意志,制定出正确的路线方针、政策,推动社会发展并让广大人民群众得到实惠。在中国历史转折的紧要关头,正是邓小平同志以他非凡的理 In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s birth day, all walks of life across the country are deeply reminiscent of the great achievements of this century’s great man in various ways. Deng Xiaoping, taking the courage of his proletarian revolutionaries and his extraordinary theoretical courage, proceeded from the reality and followed the trend of history. He established the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, promoted social change and brought China into a new era. Standing at the historical height and looking back on the journey that has taken us over 20 years since the reform and opening up, every step of our great motherland is closely linked with Deng Xiaoping’s name. Because of his great achievements, he is famous for his history, because he can use the giant hands to point the country and lead the course. His own ideological concepts and his own theoretical discussions proceed from the actual national conditions. Through the will of the party and the state, Formulate the correct guidelines and policies, promote social development and benefit the broad masses of the people. At a crucial juncture in the turning point of history in China, it is Deng Xiaoping who has taken extraordinary measures with him
对精冲复合工艺与FCF加工法在成形机理、工艺、模具及设备等方面进行了比较 ,预测了发展方向和趋势 ,将板料成形与体积成形相结合 ,可以大大提高板材的应用范围和产品附加值
《压电与声光》杂志是由中国电子科技集团公司第26研究所主办、国内外公开发行的学术性与技术性综合科技期刊。国内统一刊号:CN 50-1091/TN;国际标准刊号:ISSN 1004-2474;国
目前普通话测试已进入计算机辅助测试阶段,与过去的人工测试相比,考生出现了一些新的测试问题,针对这些问题进行深入思考和分析,总结出相应的培训策略与方法。 At present,
目的 评价放射治疗同步紫杉醇化疗(1次/周)局部晚期非小细胞肺癌的毒性和近期疗效.方法18例局部晚期非小细胞肺癌患者卡氏评分≥80,中位年龄64岁(36~73岁,3例≥70岁);男性15例,女性3例;鳞癌8例,腺癌7例,分化差的癌3例;ⅢA期4例,ⅢB期14例.放射治疗采用6~8MV加速器,常规分割,总剂量60~70 Gy;紫杉醇60 mg(14例)或90mg(28~46mg/m2)每星期一放射治
The fabrication process dependent effects on single event effects(SEEs) are investigated in a commercial silicon–germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor(Si
二道井子隧道以浅埋、大跨(连拱)的黄土隧道近距离(最薄处仅4 m)下穿夏家店珍贵文化遗址,这对文物的保护提出了极高的要求。采用三导洞法施工,在洞口试验段沉降规律分析的基