The new finding of Neogene marine low-resistivity light oil field in the western part of Pearl River

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Based on the new finding of Wenchang L low-resistivity light oil field, the finding process, reservoir characteristics and pool-forming pattern were studied. The oil-rock correlation, neritic reservoir type, hydrocarbon conduct system and dominant migration and accumulation direction,and new techniques were discussed. The results showed that large amount of hydrocarbon generated by shallow lacustrine mudstone and shale of Eocene Wenchang formation could migrate from sag to Qionghai uplift distantly; neritic shoal-bar reservoir have developed in the 1st member of Zhujiang formation, dip-sag faults and regional good marine sandstone layers of the 1st and the 2nd member of Zhujiang formation have constituted hydrocarbon conduct system in Qionghai uplift; the late fault system which were controlled by Dongsha tectonic movement constructed the connection between lower hydrocarbon and upper neritic shoal-bar reservoir. Therefore, the pool-forming pattern with “vertical migration and accumulation, secondary structure-lithology-dominated” was proposed. Finally the enlightenment of explorating new findings was discussed. Based on the new finding of Wenchang L low-resistivity light oil field, the finding process, reservoir characteristics and pool-forming patterns were studied. The oil-rock correlation, neritic reservoir type, hydrocarbon conduct system and dominant migration and accumulation direction, and new techniques were discussed. The results showed that large amount of hydrocarbon generated by shallow lacustrine mudstone and shale of Eocene Wenchang formation could migrate from sag to Qionghai uplift distantly; neritic shoal-bar reservoir have developed in the 1st member of Zhujiang formation, dip- sag faults and regional good marine sandstone layers of the 1st and the 2nd member of Zhujiang formation have constituted hydrocarbon conduct system in Qionghai uplift; the late fault system which were controlled by Dongsha tectonic movement constructed the connection between lower hydrocarbon and upper neritic shoal-bar Therefore, the pool-forming pattern with “vertical migration and accumul ation, secondary structure-lithology-dominated ”was proposed. Finally the enlightenment of explorating new findings was discussed.
目的 探讨左旋多巴治疗儿童弱视的效果。方法  1 2 8例 2 4 0眼 5~ 1 2岁弱视儿童 ,随机分成 2组 ,治疗组口服左旋多巴片 ,对照组口服药用淀粉片。治疗 3个月 ,随访 3个月。
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