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李家河乡地处宣恩县最南端,距县城60公里,209国道贯穿全乡,与来凤、咸丰及湖南省龙山县接壤,是“一脚踏两省,鸡鸣闻四县”的交界之地。属中亚热带季风湿润性气候,境内海拔最高1305米,最低406米,年均气温16.8摄氏度,降水量1305mm,日照时间1100多小时,气候适宜、土壤肥沃、交通便利、经济比较发达,产品“宣恩早”密桔和贡水白柚(李家河乡洛河村是贡水白柚的发源地),是恩施州的水果产业第一乡。在本次实习中,我们重点考察了白柚的一些情况,就白柚的现状,叙述了个人的一些感受,并且提了一点个人的见解,希望能对白柚今后的发展有所帮助。本论文中,我们主要是从白柚产业园的介绍、产业链、白柚产业浅见等三个方面进行论述。对于论文中所提到的各项建议,短期之内可能很难实现,有的甚至至少需要10~20年的规划。 Li Jiahe Township is located in the southernmost Xuan’en County, 60 kilometers from the county seat, 209 National Road runs through the township, and Laifeng, Xianfeng and Longshan County in Hunan Province bordering the “two provinces on foot, cock smelling four counties ” The borderlands. Subtropical monsoon humid climate, the highest elevation of 1305 meters, the lowest 406 meters, the average annual temperature of 16.8 degrees Celsius, precipitation 1305mm, sunshine time 1100 hours, climate suitable, fertile soil, convenient transportation, more developed economy, product Xuen early as early as possible "secret oranges and water white grapefruit (Li River Township Luohe village is the birthplace of Gongshui white grapefruit), is the first rural fruit industry in Enshi. In this internship, we focus on the investigation of some of the white grapefruit, the status quo of white grapefruit, described some personal feelings, and raised a little personal opinion, hoping to help the future development of white grapefruit. In this thesis, we mainly discuss from three aspects: introduction of white grapefruit industrial park, industrial chain, humble opinion of white grapefruit industry. The proposals mentioned in the paper may be difficult to achieve within a short period of time, and some may even require at least 10 to 20 years of planning.
本文分析了黄河三角洲水文、地理和气象基本情况,介绍了开展站队结合的背景,论述了站队结合的发展过程,以及二十年来站队结合所产生的社会、经济、安全、人才四大效益。 Thi
显微镜下结肠炎是一种慢性腹泻,内镜检查正常而显微镜下见有粘膜炎症,病因不明。因次水杨酸铋具有抗炎、抗菌和止泻作用,故此研究用它治疗显微镜下结肠炎,调查其疗效。 方法
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