Beginning of the New Century:Comparative Literature in the Cross-Cultural Context——Comments on the 7

来源 :Comparative Literature:East & West | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linsible1
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We are now at the threshold of a new century and a new millennium. The past century has witnessed the contact and communication between Chinese and foreign cultures and literatures.Against this background,the 20~(th) century was the course of the modernization of Chinese culture and lit- We are now at the threshold of a new century and a new millennium. The past century has witnessed the contact and communication between Chinese and foreign cultures and literatures. Against this background, the 20th ~ (th) century was the course of the modernization of Chinese culture and lit-
豚鼠分别暴露于125 dB SPL 和132 dB SPL 的稳态白噪声中1h 后.即时、1、3、7、15和30 d进行螺旋器扫描电镜观察,发现主要是第3回和蜗顶螺旋器受损,表现为外毛细胞听毛肿胀、
中国人常开玩笑说:赚钱难,花钱还不容易吗?可实际上消费并非一件想当然的事。 Chinese people often jokingly say: Making money difficult, spending money is not easy?
Ever since multi-culturarlism was brought up in the discussion of globalization,tolerance and understanding among cultures have become a major concern for us.Th
生殖器疱疹不仅影响受累者,而且是生殖器溃疡传播 HIV 感染的常见原因。为了减少这种不良后果,必须首先考虑改进对患者的处理。许多患者在首次发作后成为终生感染,常频繁发
利用位于X染色体上的6-氧嘌呤鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(hypoxanthine guenine phosphoribosy ltranstrase HPRT)控制基因缺欠时一般不会将介质中与嘌呤碱基结构相似的6-巯基鸟
穷人思维指的是穷人对待事物的思维方式,是一种让人贫穷的思维所谓正思、正念、正行,最后终成正果,而邪思则会导致恶念、恶行,最终必将酿成恶果是也。相比之下,正思正果自然是富人思维,而邪恩、恶果下必定是穷人思维。最流行的说法是人穷即是心穷,在职场中,以下几种穷人思维必须警惕,否则,你将一辈子都难成正果。  一、跟老板斗气:中国有句古话叫做“人穷气大、马瘦毛长”,说的是人一穷就喜欢跟有钱人斗气,看有钱人不