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编辑同志: 我的孩子已经四岁多了,我想让他学习弹钢琴,不知从什么时候开始好,在孩子学琴过程中,我可以做些什么? 济南李平李平同志: 儿童学会弹钢琴对于促进智力全面发展、陶冶性格是具有长远意义的。几岁学琴为宜?这要根据儿童的理解能力,注意集中能力和对乐器的兴趣而定。一般,五六岁为宜,少数可以在三四岁开始学,年龄稍大些,八几岁亦可。 Editor’s Comrade: My child has been more than four years old, I want him to learn to play the piano, I do not know when to start good, in the process of learning the child, what can I do? Jinan Li Ping Comrade Li Ping: Children learn to play Piano is of long-term significance in promoting the all-round development of intelligence and cultivating the character. How old should we learn the piano? This depends on children’s ability to understand, their concentration and their interest in the instrument. In general, fifties or six-year-olds are appropriate. The minority can start schooling at the age of three or four, with a little older age and eight-year-olds.
荀子《乐论》载 :“夫乐者 ,乐也 ;人情之所必不免也 ,故人不能无乐 ;乐则必发于声音 ,形于动静 ,而人之道 ,声音动静 ,性术之变尽是矣。声音动静乐之肢也 ,然乐之为乐者非肢
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As the saying goes, “The history of an old large river is the history of is,such a good example. As one of the birthplaces of China’s ancient culture.generat
随着电视连续剧《太平天国》的播出 ,这曲题为《浩浩乾坤》的主题歌也响彻了云天 ,为人们所传唱。听多了歌坛上的柔靡之音 ,《浩浩乾坤》这样的阳刚之曲才显得撼人心魄 :朴实
本刊上期所刊薛明同志的文章中提到的钟琴,是一种什么样的乐器呢? 钟琴,又名钢板琴。老式的一种是由许多吊挂起来的小铃钟组成的;今式通用的是由长短不一的金属片, What ki
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