
来源 :中学数学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jiang0596
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2016年高考数学山东卷从数学学科的系统性和严密性着手,从本质上抓住了数学知识之间的内在联系,从而引导在中学数学教学过程中,既要依托教材、贯彻教学纲要、落实教学目标,又要不拘泥于教材,灵活地依据教学实际,在基于体现数学本质和提高学生数学学习能力的前提下,化被动为主动,从人为到自然,崇尚数学的理性精神,形成审慎的思维习惯,体会数学的美学意义。例如,理科第21题第(Ⅱ)问,是探 Starting from the systematic and rigorous mathematics disciplines, the 2016 Shandong mathematics majors take the intrinsic link between mathematics knowledge in essence, and thus guide the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools not only by relying on teaching materials and implementing the syllabus, Teaching objectives, but also not rigidly adhere to the teaching materials, based on the flexibility of teaching, based on the nature of mathematics and improve students’ ability to learn mathematics under the premise of passive to active, from man to nature, advocating the rational spirit of mathematics, a prudent Thinking habits, understand the aesthetic significance of mathematics. For example, Section 21 (II) of Science asked probing
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The synthesis of a novel birnessite structure manganese oxide, Cs0.24MnO2, via a modified sol-gel route is reported in this work. The product was characterized
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