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高浓度DOP生产废水生物毒性强,采用常规手段难以有效处理,对环境存在较高危害性。采用树脂吸附技术预处理增塑剂DOP生产废水,考察了树脂吸附与脱附的最佳工艺条件,结果表明,采用NDA99吸附树脂,在室温、吸附pH=2、吸附流速4 BV/h条件下,每批次处理量16 BV,COD去除率可达94%以上;对吸附饱和的树脂采用1 BV 8%NaOH+1 BV 4%NaOH+2 BV水,在60℃下以1 BV/h的流速进行脱附,COD脱附率超过97%,树脂的吸附-脱附性能良好。 High concentration of DOP production wastewater biological toxicity, using conventional means difficult to effectively handle, there is a high degree of hazard to the environment. Adsorption and desorption of plasticizer wastewater were investigated by resin adsorption technology. The results showed that the optimum conditions of adsorption and desorption of resin were obtained by using NDA99 adsorption resin at room temperature, adsorption pH = 2 and adsorption flow rate of 4 BV / h , The treatment capacity of 16 BV per batch, COD removal rate of up to 94%; saturated resin adsorption 1 BV 8% NaOH + 1 BV 4% NaOH +2 BV water at 60 ℃ at 1 BV / h Flow rate desorption, COD removal rate of more than 97%, the resin adsorption-desorption performance is good.
Introduction. Prosthetic reinforcement by the vaginal approach for surgical repair of pelvic prolapse is experiencing increasing popularity despite problems wit
论述了网络信息资源对高校馆产生的积极影响与存在的问题,提出了对其挖掘整合的必要性和可行性策略。 Discusses the positive influence and existing problems that the n
Wei Shenming’s tomb was found and excavated at Weiqu township,Chang’an district,Xi’an city,in September,2002 It was a typical tomb of a governmental officer
目前 ,有相当一部分糖尿病患者缺乏与糖尿病有关的知识 ,开展和加强糖尿病教育迫在眉睫。调查对象  2 0 0 0年 7月至 2 0 0 1年 1 1月本院门诊82例及住院 1 2 8例的糖尿病人
阐述了国内外网络农业信息资源的起源与发展、现状与特点,对农业高校图书馆开发网络农业信息资源可行性进行了分析探讨,并提出了网络农业信息资源开发的有效途径和方法。 Th
搜集 66例餐后血糖控制不良的 2型糖尿病或者糖耐量异常的患者 ,将其分为糖尿病 (DM)组、糖耐量异常 (IGT)组、初发糖耐量异常组 ,分别测定其分餐治疗前后的空腹 (FBG)、餐后