
来源 :公路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fiscar
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世界各国都很重视柔性路面结构设计。合理设计的方法有两个:一是以理论为指导的理论法;另一是以丰富的实践经验为基础的经验法。路面设计包括:结构组合,材料组成和厚度计算三个基本内容。过去,对路面厚度计算投入的精力较多,对材料组成和结构组合则没有得到应有的重视。随着一、二级公路日见增多,路面结构日益受到重视。特别是近几年路面力学的发展,路面三层体系位移、应力和应变电算程序的诞生和电子计算机的日益普及,目前已具备了应用理论法指导路面结构设计的条件。理论法国外也称分析法。由于交通组成和流量不断变化,新材料、新结构和多层结构的使用,理论法已显示出其优越性,已为各国所重视。本文将介绍路面结构设计的三指标,采用的力学图式,临界点和计算公式。根据用《路面三层弹性体系位移、形变和主应力电算程序》,将计算数据分别绘制弯沉、弯拉和剪切系数图。着重分析其系数与厚度和模 All countries in the world attach great importance to the design of flexible pavement structure. There are two methods of rational design: one is theoretical theory; the other is empirical method based on rich practical experience. Pavement design includes: structure, material composition and thickness calculation of the three basic elements. In the past, more effort was devoted to the calculation of pavement thickness, with less emphasis on material composition and composition. With the increasing number of primary and secondary roads, pavement structure is increasingly valued. Especially in recent years, the development of pavement mechanics, the birth of three-tier system of displacement, stress and strain calculation programs and the growing popularization of computer have paved the way for application of the theoretical method to design pavement structure. Theory France also called analytic method. Due to the ever-changing composition and flow of traffic, the use of new materials, new structures and multi-layer structures, theoretical methods have shown their superiority and are valued by all countries. This article will introduce the three indicators of pavement structure design, the mechanical diagrams, critical points and formulas. According to the “displacement, deformation and principal stress calculation program of three-layer elastic system of pavement”, the calculation data are respectively plotted as deflection, bending and shear coefficient maps. Focus on the analysis of its coefficient and thickness and modulus
<正> 我想,也许应该从人生辩证法的角度来分析一下当前人生价值观领域中的若干问题。目前的许多探讨,往往是从商品生产和市场经济的影响着眼,这自然是对的,也抓住了问题的根本。可是在我看来,思想方法上的偏差也是当前人生价值观问题上种种扭曲和迷误的一个重要的直接的原因。如果能
  水化硅酸钙是水泥混凝土中的重要强度因素,以托贝莫来石晶体结构为初 始构型,通过分子动力学模拟,建立无定形水化硅酸钙原子模型。进一步建立碳 纳米管增强水化硅酸钙原子模
<正> 《伦理学的困境与出路》即伦理学界“五人谈”(以下简称《出路》)一文,涉及到伦理学研究和社会主义道德建设的带根本性的问题。本文拟就这个“五人谈”的主持者的主要观点和基本倾向再做一些分析,以澄清理论是非。