A comparative study on users' satisfaction of library resource sharing under the circumstance o

来源 :Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiachengpu
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From the perspective of information resource sharing,the authors investigated the ratio and degree of users’satisfaction with resource sharing among college libraries,public libraries and research libraries in Nanjing city.Based on the analysis and discussion about the findings,the authors summarized the library resource sharing system in satisfying users’information requirements,including its pros and cons.At last,further considerations have been provided on how to improve library resource sharing system in the region. From the perspective of information resource sharing, the authors investigated the ratio and degree of users’ satisfaction with resource sharing among college libraries, public libraries and research libraries in Nanjing city. Based on the analysis and discussion about the findings, the authors summarized the library resource sharing system in satisfied users’ information requirements, including its pros and cons. At last, further considerations have been provided on how to improve library resource sharing system in the region.
《初中英语教学大纲》明确指出:“义务教育阶段英语课程的目的是激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略;使学生掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能,建立初步的语感,获得初步运用英语的能力,为真实交际打下基础。”要想学好英语,初学者过好“四关”是前提,拥有“五心”是重要保证。  一、 拥有“信心”和“决心”,过好“开口关”  英语是一种有声语
身居穷乡僻壤,对足球却情有独钟,且那份激情随着我年岁的增长愈来愈烈。 作为普通工薪者,酷爱足球实在是一件苦事。由于整天琐事缠身必须按部就班去处理,因此,有时当一场精
1997年7月13日,星期天。对不看足球的中国人来说,这是夏季里一个普通而又平静的周日,而对那些狂热的球迷们来说,这个周日却显得格外不同。 这是中国职业足球联赛第四个赛季
第 1章 定义1.1 承运人是指与托运人订立运输合同的人。1.2 收货人是指凭运输合同或根据运输合同签发的运输单证有权提取货物的人。1.3 发货人是指将货物交给承运人运输
’96~,97CBA甲级联赛给我们带来了许多欢乐,也带来了一些烦恼。想必球迷朋友们经过一段时间的思索,已对许多问题有了自己的认 ’96 ~, 97CBA Serie A brought us a lot of jo