Crystal Structure and Luminescence Spectra of Novel Coordination Layer of {[Eu(m-BDC)(NO_3)(Phen)(H_

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hordark
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The crystal structure of a novel Eu~(3+) coordination polymer, {[Eu(m-BDC)(NO_3)(Phen)(H_2O)]_2·2CH_3CH_2OH}_n (m-BDC=1,3-benzenedicarboxylate, Phen=1, 10-phenanthroline), was obtained and its high-resolution luminescence spectra at 77K were measured. The μ_2-carboxylate of m-BDC constructs the binuclear building block in which each Eu~(3+) ion is coordinated by four oxygen atoms of m-BDC anions, one oxygen atom from water molecule, two oxygen atoms of nitrate and two nitrogen atoms of Phen, respectively. The μ_1-carboxylate of m-BDC conjugates the binuclear units one-dimensional chain or a ribbon, while the hydrogen bonds between ribbons assemble the structure two-dimensional layer with a thickness equaling to the width of the ribbon. The luminescence spectra reveal that the two Eu~(3+) ion sites in the binuclear building blocks have slight environmental difference. The C_1 local symmetry of Eu~(3+) ion is concluded from both crystal structure measurement and luminescence spectra. The crystal structure of a novel Eu ~ (3+) coordination polymer, {[Eu (m-BDC) (NO_3) (Phen) (H_2O)] _2.2CH_3CH_2OH} _n (m-BDC = 1,3-benzenedicarboxylate, Phen = 1, 10-phenanthroline), was obtained and its high-resolution luminescence spectra at 77K were measured. The μ_2-carboxylate of m-BDC constructs the binuclear building block in which each Eu ~ (3+) ion is coordinated by four oxygen atoms of m-BDC anions, one oxygen atom from water molecule, two oxygen atoms of nitrate and two nitrogen atoms of Phen, respectively. The μ_1-carboxylate of m-BDC conjugates the binuclear units one-dimensional chain or a ribbon, while the hydrogen bonds between ribbons assemble the structure two-dimensional layer with a thickness equaling to the width of the ribbon. The luminescence spectra reveal that the two Eu ~ (3+) ion sites in the binuclear building blocks have slight environmental difference. The C_1 local symmetry of Eu ~ (3+) ion is concluded from both crystal structure measurement and luminescence spectra.
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