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  关键词: 翻译 字面的 语意的 交际的 交融
  Perhaps the best place to begin is to make sure we both understand the terms of translation. Then after we are on the same page, the more difficult issues can be dealt with. Which translation is best? As we will see, both semantic and communicative translation methods are the best methods to fulfill the two aims of translation. These are: accuracy and economy.
  However, must we fight too strongly over this? Must there always be something right and the other wrong? Rather than thinking in terms of black and white, perhaps the best way is to blend the two together so that the translation is both accurate to the original meaning and yet flexible enough to communicate properly the message.
  That is not an easy task to accomplish, yet we must try however naïve it may seem to be. To do otherwise or give up is unthinkable and contrary to the responsibilities of translators. Interspersed throughout examples will be given to highlight and explain the points given.
  I. Terms of methods of translation
  According to Peter Newmark’s book, “A Textbook of Translation,” chapter 5 shows a comparison of translation methods as follows:
  SL emphasis TL emphasis
  Word-for-word translation Adaptation
  Literal translation Free translation
  Faithful translation Idiomatic translation
  Semantic translation Communicative translation
  The further down the line one goes on either end of the spectrum, the closer one gets to a more accurate and communicative translation. In a U shaped curve, Word-for-word is the most literalist translation method and adaptation was the most free. Often the terms literal and semantic translations are used interchangeably, but are actually different. On the one hand, the literal method takes the SL grammatical construction to their nearest TL equivalent but the lexical words are out of context. On the other hand, the semantic method attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original with the constraints of the TL grammatical structures, and then goes another step. It then takes into account the aesthetic value of the SL text, compromising on meaning where appropriate so that it sounds natural.
  II. Other issues about translation
  So far the focus has been more on the methods of translation, however there is the human element that must be taken into account. No one is capable of pure logic and perfect translation without his own presuppositions being interjected into the process. What translation method will be used is decided by the translator for different reasons. Some of which may be just a gut feel or a need for a change of pace. Perhaps the translator is in a bad mood, or not very skilled at the art of translation yet.
  Should the translator become invisible in the process? What intention, attitude, and style will the translator use? The value of the translators should be more of a painter than that of someone using a camera.
  We want translation that produces accurate results every time, but there is always the tension of economy. Translation is also a process. The translator may start out with a literal method at first to build a basic foundation, and then switch over to other methods to see if it can be enhanced and improved on for both accuracy and natural style. While the need to be accurate is necessary, we must not underestimate the ability of the readers to pick up on the original cultural nuances. It would be an injustice on the one hand to just shovel translated words, forcing the SL culture onto the TL audience. However, it would also be an injustice to leave out the SL culture completely so that it is only communicated in the TL culture.
  III. Blending of Cultures
  My recommendation is to try to blend the methods of translations so that we can utilize the strengths of both to bring about a better translation. Translation goes both ways, however, and sensitivity must be used when translating from Chinese to English or other languages as well. Translation involves simultaneous decoding of the SL and encoding of the TL. The SL must be interpreted accurately and the TL must create a natural reading.
  Translation is not a simple process of one composition but a combination and interdependent work of two structures. Live languages are a moving target; they continually change over time. Cultures revise their own systems and values. The translator must internalize the process to adopt the language of translation as their own. Thus the translation can be blended.
  IV. Don’t take the words too literally in translation
  Now is the time to look at some examples of translation. In translation we mustn’t take the words too literally, otherwise there would be some ridiculous misunderstandings. For example:
  1. You’ve got me.
  2. I am all thumbs.
  If translating into Chinese word for word, such as the following:
  1. 你得到了我。
  2. 我的手指都是大拇指。
  But in fact, they should be translated like these:
  1. 你把我问住了。
  2. 我笨手笨脚。
  V. Reasonable translation in idioms and slang
  In either English or Chinese, there are many similar idioms, proverbs, colloquials and even slang. In translation, translators should pay attention to different ways of expression. For example:
  His goose was cooked. 生米已成熟饭。
  Dead men tell no tales. 死无对证。
  Many hands make light work. 人多力量大,众人拾柴火焰高。
  Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
  Here is a conversation that is a good example:
  A: Could you loan this book to me? I’ve wanted to read it.
  B: Be my guest.
  The translation is as the following:
  A: 我能借这本书吗?我一直想读这本书。
  B: 欢迎你借用。
  Here “Be my guest” , one American slang, means “You are welcome to,” or “Please go ahead,” so it can’t be translated like “作为我的客人吧。”
  VI. Conclusion
  In conclusion, a good faith effort in translating is to continue the difficult balancing act of dealing with the tension between semantic and communicative methods. If the translator will not get mired in polarization, leaning not too hard to literalism or becoming too free in the expressions, then perhaps there is hope. With the two aims in mind of translation; accuracy and economy, I hope the wisdom of blending the two methods will be seen and used.
  [1] Abu-Mahfouz, Ahmad. Translation as a Blending of Cultures, Journal of Translation, SIL, 2008.
  [2] Lv,Shuxiang. English version of the 100 Four-lined Tang Poems, Human People’s Publishing House, 1980.
  [3].Newmark, Peper. A Textbook of Translation, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.
  [4] 刘宓庆,当代翻译理论,中国对外翻译出版公司,2003.
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