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近年来,我行个人类贷款业务发展势头很好,贷款总量已占到全行各项贷款的三分之一左右,且不良贷款率较低,贷款质量明显优于公司类贷款。我认为信贷风险与产品定位有直接关系,即个人类贷款产品准确而鲜明的市场定位,较好地控制和规避了信贷风险。这恰恰对小微企业信贷风险控制问题具有重要的借鉴意义。个贷产品与其他融资品种比较,有以下较为明显的特点:从贷款金额上看,户均金额相对较小,贷款一旦出现风险比较容易得到处置。此外,借款人一般都会用多少贷多少,因此能有效地规避贷款被挪用的风险;从贷款方式上看,基本上都选择抵押方式,能有效抵御可能出现的各类风险;从押品种类上看,均选择以住房、商用房为抵押物,有效地规避了押品处置风险;从还款方式上看,一般都采取分期还款方式,贷款 In recent years, the development of personal loan business of our bank has enjoyed a good momentum. The total loan amount has accounted for about one-third of various loans of the whole bank and the NPL ratio is relatively low. The loan quality is obviously superior to that of corporate loans. In my opinion, credit risk is directly related to product positioning, that is, accurate and distinct market positioning of personal loan products, so as to better control and avoid credit risk. This is precisely the small and micro enterprises credit risk control has an important reference. Compared with other types of loans, personal loans have the following obvious characteristics: From the perspective of loan amount, the average amount of each household is relatively small, and the risk of a loan in the event of a loan is relatively easy to be disposed of. In addition, borrowers generally use how much credit, so it can effectively avoid the risk of misappropriation of loans; loans from the point of view, basically choose the mortgage, can effectively resist all kinds of risks that may arise; from the types of collateral See, are selected to housing, commercial housing for the collateral, effectively avoiding the risk of collateral handling; from the repayment point of view, generally take installments, loans
建立了QuEChERS EMR-Lipid技术结合超高效液相色谱-串联三重四极杆质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)同时检测塑料包装焙烤食品中4种抗氧化剂和8种紫外吸收剂的方法.样品经乙腈-丙酮(1:1,V/V)
以溶剂热法制备得到磁性Ag/AgCl@Fe3 O4@GO纳米复合材料,利用透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线能谱(EDX)和N2吸附-脱附对样品的结构和形貌进行测试表征,研究了材料对水溶
表面增强拉曼散射(Surface-enhanced Raman scattering,SERS)光谱技术检测挥发性有机污染物,具有检测速度快、灵敏度高以及可指纹识别等优点,但常规SERS技术存在前处理设备体