
来源 :烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnkfxndz
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The rewriting of The History of the Jin Dynasty is a large-scale academic project in the early Tang Dynasty (646).There was much controversy over the reasons of this official campaign.CHEN Yin-que thought that the Tang emperor attempted to sancify the imperial family and the origin of his ancestors by falsifying the history of the Jin Dynasty.LI Pei-dong held that a series of political events prompted Tang Taizong,the emperor,to defend himself,admonish the courtiers and at the same time acquire some inner comforts throuth the rewriting of the Jin history.But none of the interpretations are correct.Acrually The History of the Jin Dynasty was written in the early Tang Dynasty mostly because the former versions of theJin history had great deficiencies in contents,format and the selection of data,therefore could not meet the political needs of the early Tang Dynasty.According to the records of a Tang Historian Li Yan-shou,the rewriting of The History of the Jin Dynasty was originally conducted in 641 The rewriting of The History of the Jin Dynasty is a large-scale academic project in the early Tang Dynasty (646) .There was much controversy over the reasons of this official campaign.CHEN Yin-que thought that the Tang emperor attempted to sancify the imperial family and the origin of his ancestors by falsifying the history of the Jin Dynasty. Li Pei-dong held that a series of political events prompted Tang Taizong, the emperor, to defend himself, admonish the courtiers and at the same time acquire some inner comforts throuth the rewriting of the Jin history.But none of the interpretations are correct.Acrually The History of the Jin Dynasty was written in the early Tang Dynasty mostly because the former versions of theJin history had great deficiencies in contents, format and the selection of data, therefore could not meet the political needs of the early Tang Dynasty. According to the records of a Tang Historian Li Yan-shou, the rewriting of The History of the Jin Dynasty was orig inally conducted in 641
清早叫你起床,你一反常态往被窝里缩,嘴里还嘟囔着:“别把我吵醒了,我还瞌睡呢!”那语气,那神情,一下子把我逗乐了。是的,你三岁了,言谈举止越来越像个小大 Wake up early i
肺血栓栓塞症(pulmonary thromboembolism,PTE)是较常见的呼吸系统疾病,未经治疗时其病死率高达30%,得到及时诊断和正确治疗时则可降至8%[1]。呼吸困难是PTE的最常见临床表现
近几年,山东电力系统有着一连串令人瞩目的成绩: ——1994年实现乡乡通电;1995年实现村村通电;1996年2月18日(除夕)在全国第一个成为户户通电的省份。一位山东籍的华侨闻讯