
来源 :再生资源研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songchuans
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成立于50年代的废旧物资回收公司,几十年在计划经济体制下运行虽有发展,在变废为宝、节约资源等方面也取得很大成绩,但是旧的计划经济体制、党政不分、政企不分、企业仅仅是政府的附属物。尽管政府采取减税让利等一系列优惠措施,但由于企业外无压力,内无动力,缺乏积极性、主动性,企业发展日渐缓慢,特别是1979年以来,国家经济体制逐步从计划经济转入社会主义市场经济后,回收行业内缺人才、资金、活力,外抵不住小商小贩的竞争冲击,使得这本来就社会地位低、个人收入少、工作条件差不被社会重视的行业更是重重困难,难以发展。党的改革开放的路线指出,企业的活力来自经济体制改革,通过改革,使企业成为独立的商品生产者和经营者,根据市场竞争的要求,自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束和自我发展。北京市天龙股份有限公司和其他众多的股份制改革试点的实践清楚地说明,实行股份制改革,是废旧物资企业彻底摆脱旧体制的束缚,在市场经济的竞争中不断壮大实力,实现更大发展的一条好途径。 The waste material recycling company established in the 1950s has been operating under the planned economic system for several decades. Although it has developed, it has achieved great results in turning waste into treasure and saving resources, but the old planned economic system, the party and the government have no distinction. There is no separation between government and enterprises, and companies are merely appendages of the government. Although the government adopts a series of preferential measures such as tax reduction and profit sharing, due to the lack of pressure outside the enterprise, there is no incentive, there is no enthusiasm and initiative, and the development of enterprises has been slow. Especially since 1979, the national economic system has gradually shifted from the planned economy to the society. After the market economy, the shortage of talent, capital, and vitality in the recycling industry, and the competitive impact of hawker hawkers in foreign countries, have made this industry, which has low social status, low personal income, and poor working conditions, not to be valued by the society. Difficult and difficult to develop. The party’s line of reform and opening up points out that the vitality of an enterprise comes from the reform of the economic system. Through reforms, the enterprise becomes an independent commodity producer and operator, and in accordance with the requirements of market competition, it operates autonomously, assumes its own profit and loss, self-discipline, and self-development. The practice of the Beijing Tianlong Co., Ltd. and many other joint-stock reform pilots clearly demonstrated that the implementation of the shareholding system reform is a waste material company that has completely shaken off the shackles of the old system, and has grown its strength and achieved greater development in the market economy competition. Good way.
讨论NC和KC(包括网络结构 ,不同网络节点功能 ) ,为探究面向智能系统的NCW的表现评估提供基础 Discusses NC and KC (including network structure, functions of different
1.省管原燃料 盐,硫铁矿,硫精矿,成品油和专项油,省委托加工原油产品,计划内、外石油液化气 2.省管支农物资 尿素(含工业用),硝铵,复合肥,钾肥(含工业用),过磷酸钙(湛江化工
您听说过“软冰”吗? 笔者初识软冰是非常偶然的。那是在今年盛夏北京劳动人民文化宫举办的一次医疗保健品展览会上,笔者行将步出展厅,无意中发现内蒙古冷宝软冰开发有限公