At the seminar on the nature, function and development direction of contemporary Chinese social sciences, listening to the expositions by experts and scholars has benefited greatly and has great inspiration. The little feeling we talked about here was generated by the benefit and inspiration and did not dare to say anything new. I would like to take it as a stepping stone to the lay people who participated in the discussion. Comrade Hu Jin's opinion on whether social sciences are not productive forces is based on Marxist classics. For example, in his Introduction to Critique of Political Economy, Marx unequivocally classified “social ideology” (ie law, politics, religion, art, philosophy, etc.) and “the economic structure of society” With the corresponding production relations) to distinguish. Of course, we should not forget that Marx was here to elaborate on his new conception of history, that is, the materialist conception of history contrary to the formal and historical idealist ideal of history. Therefore, it is both “brief” and targeted Expressed. It seems to me that Marx specifically emphasized here the ultimate decisive factor in the material production of mankind, completely neglected by the idealist conception of history, as a definitive factor in the final determination of spirit