
来源 :今日中国(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bombwang1986
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在北京一个酷热的下午,我访问了刚从巴西归来的著名歌唱家、现任中国音乐学院副院长张权教授,她是去年六月间率领中国声乐小组到里约热内卢参加第十届国际声乐比赛的。首次参加国际声乐比赛这次比赛有二十六个国家的五十四名选手参加。同时还有九名钢琴伴奏也参加了比赛。一九五七年,我国曾参加过世界青年联欢节的声乐比赛,但是参加国际声乐比赛这还是第一次。张权应邀参加了这届比赛的评委会。评委会由九个国家的十七名著名歌唱 On a hot afternoon in Beijing, I visited the famous singer who just returned from Brazil. Currently, I am Professor Zhang Quan, vice dean of the China Conservatory of Music. She led the Chinese vocal group to Rio de Janeiro to attend the 10th International Vocal Competition in June last year . For the first time in the International Vocal Competition This competition includes 54 players from 26 countries. There are also nine piano accompaniment also participated in the competition. In 1957, our country had participated in the vocal competition of the World Youth Festival, but this is the first time that it has taken part in the international vocal competition. Zhang Quan was invited to participate in the competition jury. The jury consists of 17 famous singles from nine countries
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