Where're Their Hands?

来源 :中学考试研究(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbatdead
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It happened about one hundred years ago.Mr Gaul,a____artist(画家),drew very well and the people in thesmall country____him.He often helped the poor but____the men who were had to the people.So the peopleliked him too. Once the king wanted Mr Gaul to draw a portrait(画像)for his____.He said to him,“You’re the____artist in our country.I’m sure you’re able to do it.Workhard,and I____you much.” Of course the artist knew it was____for him torefuse(拒绝)and began to work.A few days later he____his work and gave the portrait to the king.____ It happened about one hundred years ago.Mr Gaul,a____artist(painter),drew very well and the people in thesmall country____him.He often helped the poor but____the men who were had to the people.So the peopleliked him too. Once the king wanted Mr Gaul to draw a portrait(hi) for his____.He said to him,“You’re the____artist in our country.I’m sure you’re able to do it.Workhard,and I____you much.” Of course the Artist knew it was____for him torefuse(refusal) and began to work.A few days later he____his work and gave the portrait to the king.____
近年来,随着素质教育的不断深入,中考题中既忠实于教材,又联系实际、突出用数学意识的作图题逐年增多。下面仅举几例,以期引起关注。 例1 如图1.有块直角三角形菜地,分配给
中华民族的精神在蜕化。 这有点危言耸听。 但我正经历在这种蜕化的程序中,就像我正在使用的电脑,交叉感染,中了病毒,速度慢,麻烦多,不彻底杀毒,再频繁启动也无济于事。 最
时态选择题灵活多变,近年来随着语境化因素的增加,试题的难度有所加大。因此,了解时态选择题的命题趋势,明确其解题思路是十分必要的。1 借助于时间状语 题干中明确的时间状
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