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前一段时间,有人在谈到更新读报观念时,要求读者不要把党报看成党的红头文件。这观点,从文件与报纸担负的任务各不相同,表达的方式也不尽一样的角度来说,有一定的正确性。谁都知道,在我们国家红头文件是传递领导机关意图的文书,对下级机关及所属成员具有一定的约束力;而报纸则是一种舆论工具,它只能通过宣传报道的内容去影响读者。即使报纸发挥舆论监督作用,对某些部门的工作或某些不良社会现象提出批评建议,那也只能在摆事实、讲道理的基础上提出某些意见,供 Some time ago, when it comes to updating the concept of reading newspapers, we urge readers not to treat them as the red tape of the party. This point of view has some validity from the perspectives of the different tasks entrusted by the papers and the newspapers and the ways in which they are expressed. Everyone knows that in our country the Red Document is an instrument that conveys the intention of the leading authority and has some binding effect on the lower organ and its members. The newspaper is an instrument of public opinion that can influence readers only through the contents of propaganda. Even if newspapers play the role of media supervision and criticize the work of certain departments or certain undesirable social phenomena, they can only put forward some opinions on the basis of facts and reasons
Let k be an uncountable field. We show that for any finitely generated k-algebra A and integers n, d such that 1 ≤ n ≤ d+ 1 ≤ dimA+ 1, there exists a localiz
The goal of the present paper is to provide a gallery of small directed strongly regular graphs.For each graph of order n ≤ 12 and valency k < n/2,a diagram is
The concept of a composed product for univariate polynomials has been explored extensively by Brawley, Brown, Carlitz, Gao,Mills, et al. Starting with these fun
In this paper we give a brief overview of the theory of Majorana representations of finite groups.
水稻良种“剑88—19“是剑川县种子站用561做母本,31做父本杂交育成。 1989年在预试中单产达720千克,比对照选二增产31.25%。1990年在试验中,单产达585千克,比对照选二增产33
A commutative semigroup S is subarchimedean if there exists z ∈ S such that for any a ∈ S, there are n > 0 and x ∈ S such that zn = ax. A commutative cancellat
The general hermitian group GH2n(R,a1,... ,ar) of rank n and its elementary subgroup EH2n(R,a1,... ,ar) were introduced by Bak [1] and Tang [4], respectively. I
The Orlik-Solomon algebra is a graded algebra defined by the partially ordered set of subspace intersections of the hyperplanes in an arrangement. Define the co