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今年以来,在邓小平同志南巡讲话精神的鼓舞下,我国经济出现了一派生机勃勃、欣欣向荣的景象.但与此同时,也发生了工业高速增长与作为我国工业主体的国有工业企业效益低下的强烈反差.据统计,今年上半年乡及乡以上工业生产增幅为18.2%,但预算内国有工业企业累计亏损165亿元,比去年同期上升6.8%;6月末,国有工业企业产成品资金占用1386.6亿元,比年初增长22.7%.因此,强调提高速度与增进效益统一,是我国当前经济生活提出的一个既尖锐、又极重要的问题. Since the beginning of this year, inspired by the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech, a vigorous and prosperous scene has emerged in our economy, but at the same time, there has also been a rapid industrial boom and the inefficiency of state-owned industrial enterprises as the mainstay of our industry According to statistics, in the first half of this year, the industrial production above township and township level increased by 18.2%, but the accumulated loss of state-owned industrial enterprises within the budget was 16.5 billion yuan, up 6.8% over the same period of last year; by the end of June, the state-owned industrial enterprises took up 138.66 billion yuan of finished product funds Yuan, an increase of 22.7% over the beginning of the year. Therefore, stressing that unification of raising speed and enhancing efficiency is a sharp and extremely important issue put forward by China’s current economic life.
Effects of isochronal annealing on the positron annihilation of glassy Bi_(1.6) Pb_(0.4) Sr_(1.9)Ca_2Cu_(3.1)O_y(BPSCCO)have been reported.It is shown that the
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The disaccommodation(DA)measurements of initial susceptibility were performed inamorphous Fe_(90-x)Ni_xZr_(10)(x=10,20,30)alloys.The DA was measured for two di