
来源 :文艺生活(艺术中国) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:betteryear2009
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若把徐悲鸿的画与齐白石的画摆在一起,则徐画撑不起,有如软绵绵的一团垮下去。其原因,徐画少了骨法用笔一项。骨架子搭不起来,虽是用毛笔,但绘画观念是西画的终于不行。若把潘天寿的画与齐白石的画摆在一起,则潘画见到的只是骨架子,少了皮肉的丰腴和润泽。骨架子是藏在里面的,它的精神只能透过外面的皮肉去感觉。故潘画略嫌外露与霸气,其原因在潘先生自己提出的强其骨。强调用笔当然是行家话,但不能忘记舌头强于牙齿流水强于山石的道理,否则便要吃过犹不及的亏。孔子说,自尊在古代表现为审慎克己、泰然自若;在今日 If the paintings of Xu Beihong and Qi Baishi’s paintings are put together, Xu can not afford to stand up, just like a soft mass collapsing. The reason, Xu painted bone less a pen. Skeleton can not take up, though it is with a brush, but the concept of painting is the Western painting finally impossible. If the paintings of Pan Tianshou and Qi Baishi’s paintings are put together, then Pan draws only the skeletal structure with less flesh and plumpness. The skeleton is hidden inside, its spirit can only be felt through the flesh outside. Therefore, Pan painted slightly exposed and domineering, the reason for his own strong Mr. Pan proposed bone. Emphasizing the use of pens is, of course, an expert remark, but can not forget the fact that the tongue is stronger than dental water better than rocks, or they have to eat too much. Confucius said self-esteem has shown pride and self-denial in ancient times;
背景和目的 生物反馈是治疗高血压等身心疾病的一种有效辅助疗法,在许多国家已经得到广泛开展和应用。我室及国外一些实验室对生物反馈降血压的机制进行了较为深入的研究,研