读书法家陈荫夫的墨兰是有震撼感的,并可以想见他作画时的情态。唐人以诗咏怀素作书时的酣狂:“粉壁长廊数十间,兴来小豁胸中气,忽能绝叫三五声,满壁纵横千万字”。这性情,这癫狂.这率真,这淋漓的生命元气,陈荫夫也有,在他的狂草中,在他的墨兰中,我们可以看到生命原初本真的折射,看到诗酒精神的挥洒和扩张。初看他的以狂草笔法写就的“一笔兰”,会发现他运笔时似乎不须思想,信笔涂来,一任天真,而且用笔急促,风樯阵马,急急如得令.迅疾骇人。细观之下,又会发现他在这急速变化中的提按使转。闪展腾挪之际,还有章法有变化有内在的韵致和丰姿。这是他不同寻常的独到之处。 兰,一直是中国传统文化视野中的君子,其象征意义总与美好高洁清幽不屈等
Reading calligrapher Chen Yinfu is a sense of shock, and can imagine his modus operandi. When the Tang people poem Huai Su Su for the book when the madness: “Powder wall promenade dozens of, Xing to a small chest, in the air, suddenly can be called thirty-five sound, full of words and phrases.” This temperament, this madness. This is true, this dripping life strength, Chen Yafu also, in his madness, in his Sunland, we can see the original life of the original really refracted, to see the spirit of poetry and alcohol sway and expansion. At first glance, he wrote “A Lan” with the absurd brushwork, and found that he did not seem to have to think much when he was transcribing the pen. He was innocent, penned, and exasperated. Horrifying. In the meantime, he will find that he is in this rapidly changing context. Flash flash moves, there are changes in the rules there are inherent charm and abundance. This is his unusual something unique. Lan, who has always been a gentleman in the Chinese traditional culture, always has the symbolic meaning of being indifferent and beautiful