马尔科姆 爱克斯与黑人文艺运动

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马尔科姆·爱克斯是美国历史上一位卓越的黑人民权运动领导人,他宣传黑人民族主义和黑人自豪感,在非裔美国人中享有很高的声誉和影响力。1965年2月马尔科姆·爱克斯遇害,并由此引发了影响巨大的文艺复兴运动—黑人文艺运动。马尔科姆的思想历经演变,其生前和身后均对黑人文艺运动产生过深刻而持久的影响。 Malcolm Aix, the brilliant leader of black civil rights in the history of the United States, promotes black nationalism and black pride and enjoys a high reputation and influence among African-Americans. In February 1965, Malcolm X-Axis was murdered and triggered a dramatic Renaissance movement - the Black Art Movement. Malcolm’s thinking has evolved, both before and after the black art movement had had a profound and lasting impact.
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