,Piezoelectric polarization and quantum size effects on the vertical transport in AlGaN/GaN resonant

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z58119366
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In this work,the electronic properties of resonant tunneling diodes(RTDs) based on GaN-AlxGa(1-x)N double barriers are investigated by using the non-equilibrium Green functions formalism(NEG).These materials each present a wide conduction band discontinuity and a strong internal piezoelectric field,which greatly affect the electronic transport properties.The electronic density,the transmission coefficient,and the current–voltage characteristics are computed with considering the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations.The influence of the quantum size on the transmission coefficient is analyzed by varying GaN quantum well thickness,Al_xGa_(1-x)N width,and the aluminum concentration x_(Al).The results show that the transmission coefficient more strongly depends on the thickness of the quantum well than the barrier;it exhibits a series of resonant peaks and valleys as the quantum well width increases.In addition,it is found that the negative differential resistance(NDR) in the current–voltage(I–V) characteristic strongly depends on aluminum concentration xAl.It is shown that the peak-to-valley ratio(PVR) increases with xAlvalue decreasing.These findings open the door for developing vertical transport nitrides-based ISB devices such as THz lasers and detectors. In this work, the electronic properties of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) based on GaN-AlxGa (1-x) N double barriers are investigated by using the non-equilibrium Green functions formalism (NEG) discontinuity and a strong internal piezoelectric field, which greatly affect the electronic transport properties. the electronic density, the transmission coefficient, and the current-voltage characteristics are calculated with considering the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. influence the quantum size on the transmission coefficient results show that the transmission coefficient more strongly depends on the thickness of the quantum well than the barrier; it shows the the transmission coefficient more strongly than the thickness of the quantum well than the barrier; a series of resonant peaks and valleys as the quantum well width increases. In addition, it is found that the negative differential resistance (NDR) in the curre nt-voltage (I-V) characteristic strongly depends on the aluminum concentration xAl.It shows that the peak-to-valley ratio (PVR) increases with xAlvalue decreasing. The findings open the door for developing vertical transport nitrides-based ISB devices such as THz lasers and detectors.
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大年初一,邁出家门,空气中弥漫着浓浓的火药味,巷子里到处都是放鞭炮后留下的残迹。踏着红色鞭炮纸,我跟着家人去亲朋好友家拜年,路上还见到不少也去拜年的同村人。和往常一样,我们互相问候一声,然后各自踏上自己的路程。  我们去了很多家,却发现很多家门是关着的。我们在门外吆喝几声,也没人应答,只好扫兴离开。落了很多次的空,我不想再继续跟着家人了,便独自一人转身回家。  这时候,街上的人已经很少了,灯笼在寒
相信大部分人都有这样的经历,在小的时候,不想长大。那时的我也是这样想的,因为我认为长大就意味着父母和疼爱我的外婆要离开我了,所以小时候的我经常莫名其妙地哭得稀里哗啦。妈妈问我怎么了,我就一边抹眼泪,一边打着哭嗝说:“我……我不想你死……”这时,妈妈会笑着说:“说什么呢,不会的,不会的。”  后来,我慢慢长高,心智也稍微成熟了一些,开始渴望长大。随着时间的推移,我上初中了,开始了与小学不一样的生活。
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一、感知定理  三角形内角和定理是苏科版七年级《数学》第12章的重要内容,也是“图形与幾何”必备的知识基础。它从“角”的角度刻画了三角形的特征。定理的验证方法——剪图、拼图。