更新观念 转换职能 强化监督 立足服务 设备管理工作再上一个新台阶——抚顺市副市长冉令发在市设备管理工作会议上的讲话(摘要)

来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxwycn
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根据第三次全国和省设备管理工作会议精神,按照市委、市政府关于全市经济工作的总体部署,今年我市设备管理工作总的指导思想是:以党的十四大精神为指针,以贯彻落实国务院《设备管理条例》和《“八五”后三年工交企业设备管理工作要点》为主线,以国家《贯彻设备管理条例的衡量标准》为依据,以向设备管理要质量、要效益为目的,加快老旧设备的更新改造,逐步提高企业装备素质,在转换企业经营机制过程中,建立设备管理激励机制和企业自我约束机制,更新观念,转换职能,强化监督,立足服务,努力使我市的设备管理工作再上一个新台阶。 一、提高认识,转变观念,切实把设备管理工作摆在重要的位置 设备装置是一切社会生产的物质基础,是生产力水平的重要标志。企业设备管理得如何,对于优质、高产、高效益、安全生产有着密切关系。特别是在省政府提出“第二次创业”的号召和我市正在进行的“纵横对比看抚顺、促进经济登上新台阶”活动的艰巨任务面前,能否管好、用好、修好、改造好企业的生产设备,不仅关系到“第二次创业”的成败,而且直接影响着全市经济登上新台阶战略目标的实施。因此,各级领导同志必须从战略高度深刻认识搞好设备管理工作的重大意义,进一步增强搞好设备管理工作的责任感和紧迫感。 According to the spirit of the third national and provincial equipment management work conference, and in accordance with the overall deployment of the city’s economic work by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the guiding ideology of the city’s equipment management work this year is: Take the spirit of the party’s 14th national congress as an indicator and implement Implement the “Regulations on Equipment Management” of the State Council and the “Key Points for Equipment Management of Industrial and Commercial Enterprises after the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period” as the main line, and the “measurement standard for the implementation of the Equipment Management Regulations” as the basis, with the aim of quality control and efficiency for equipment management. Objectives: To speed up the upgrading of old equipment, gradually improve the quality of enterprise equipment, establish equipment management incentive mechanisms and self-discipline mechanisms, update concepts, convert functions, strengthen supervision, and base on services to make me The city’s equipment management work has reached a new level. First, raise awareness, change concepts, and effectively put equipment management work in an important position Equipment and equipment is the material basis of all social production, is an important indicator of the level of productivity. There is a close relationship between high-quality, high-yield, high-efficiency, and safe production. Especially in the face of the daunting task of the provincial government to put forward the “second venture” and the “difficulty in seeing Fushun and promoting economic growth to a new level” in our city, can we manage it well, use it well, repair it, and renovate it? The production equipment of a good company not only concerns the success or failure of the “second venture” but also has a direct impact on the implementation of the city’s economic strategy of reaching a new level. Therefore, leading comrades at all levels must profoundly understand the significance of doing a good job in equipment management from a strategic perspective, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of doing a good job in equipment management.
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