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为切实贯彻党的十六大和中共广东省委九届二次全会精神,充分发挥统计工作的基础作用,2003年5月8日,河源市政府印发了《关于进一步加强和规范统计工作的意见》,对统计工作提出了明确要求:一、充分认识统计工作和确保统计数据准确科学的重要性,坚持讲真话,报实情,办实事,求实效。二、夯实统计基层基础工作,确保源头数据质量。各级各部门必须依法设立统计机构,确保统计人员的相对稳定,逐步实现统计工作规范化。三、规范统计报表的 In order to effectively implement the spirit of the 16th CPC Congress and the Ninth Plenary Session of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and give full play to the basic role of statistical work, on May 8, 2003, Heyuan City Government issued the Opinions on Further Strengthening and Regulating Statistical Work , Made clear demands on the statistical work: First, fully understand the statistical work and ensure the importance of accurate and scientific statistics, insist on telling the truth, reporting facts, doing practical work and seeking practical results. Second, consolidate the basic work of basic statistics to ensure the quality of source data. All departments and departments at all levels must set up statistical agencies according to law to ensure the relative stability of statisticians and gradually standardize their statistical work. Third, standardize statistical reports
No.1《浮躁》(词、曲:王菲 1996同名国语专辑) 其实这是一首并不浮躁的歌,这也是王菲唯一一次完全拒绝了商业。有人评说这是菲最深刻最彻底的一次内心独白,也有人说这是王菲
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