一、防治病害 1.杀菌。撒施草木灰可抑制棚室韭菜灰霉病的发生。2.防治果树根腐病。挖出烂根周围的土壤,刮掉病皮,晾根24小时后,撒上草木灰再盖土,治愈率达90%以上。3.防治白粉病。防果树或花卉的白粉病,在距树干20厘米根部的土壤,撒草木灰10千克,再盖一层土,治愈率80%以上。4.防立枯病、炭疽病。果树、蔬菜、花卉及粮食作物,苗期易发生上述两种病害,可顺垅亩撒施40千克草木炭,能有效防治其病害的发生。
First, control disease 1 sterilization. Sprinkling ash can inhibit the occurrence of cabbage Botrytis cinerea. 2. Prevent the root rot of fruit trees. Dig out the soil around the rotten roots, scrape off the diseased skin, dry root 24 hours, sprinkle grass and then cover the soil, the cure rate of 90%. 3. Control powdery mildew. Fruit trees or flowers of powdery mildew, 20 cm away from the trunk of the roots of soil, sprinkle grass 10 kg, and then covered with soil, the cure rate of 80%. 4. Anti-blight, anthracnose. Fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and food crops, seedling prone to the above two diseases, can be applied to Shun 40 acres of grass charcoal, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease.