
来源 :中国神经科学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbshisegui
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我们以前的工作己经证明大鼠纹状体内存在一个亚区──边缘区。但边缘区是否属哺乳类动物纹状体普遍存在的结构,猫的纹状体有无边缘区,尚未见有文献报道。本文对猫纹状体的形态和递质特征进行了研究,观察到猫纹状体尾侧的壳核和苍白球之间有一条明显的密集梭形细胞带。细胞长轴呈背腹方向排列,常密集排列成簇状。并可见NADPH-d阳性的梭形细胞呈背腹方向排列,突起由细胞背腹方向伸出很长距离。细胞的形态、大小、排列及部位和大鼠纹状体边缘区类似。用免疫组化方法观察到花纹状体尾侧的壳核和苍白球之间的部位,有一条明显的P物质、亮氨酸-脑啡肽和神经肽Y阳性物质密集分布的带状区。带的部位及形状和大鼠纹状体边缘区类似。证实猫纹状体内也存在一个和大鼠纹状体边缘区类似的亚区──边缘区。 Our previous work has shown that there is a subregion-marginal zone in the rat striatum. However, whether the marginal zone is a common structure of mammalian striatum and whether there are marginal zones in the striatum of cats has not been reported in the literature. In this paper, we studied the morphological and neurotransmitter characteristics of the striatum of striatum and observed a marked dense spindle cell band between the putamen and globus pallidus on the caudal side of the striatum. The long axis of the cells was dorsoventral direction, often arranged in clusters. And visible NADPH-d-positive spindle cells were arranged in the direction of the dorsoventral protrusion protruding from the direction of the cell dorsal long distances. The morphology, size, arrangement and location of the cells are similar to those of the rat striatum. Immunohistochemistry was used to observe the site between the putamen and globus pallidus on the caudal side of the striatum. There was an obvious banding of substance P, leucine-enkephalin and neuropeptide Y-positive substances. The location and shape of the band is similar to that of the rat striatum. Confirmed that there is also a striatum in the striatum and rat striatum similar to the edge of the subregion ─ ─ marginal zone.
1 实验材料 鲎试剂、内毒素工作标准品及超纯水均由夏门鲎试剂厂提供。供试品:由本院制剂量提供。恒温箱:上海光明仪器厂。2 鲎试剂灵敏度试验 按部颁标准方法对该批鲎试剂
译者前言译文的下篇部分也有两小节。作者从性别政治与潜意识问题出发,循着法国历史学家沃韦勒(Michelle Vovelle)的思路,将“男性气质”及其图像纳入心灵史的范畴,思考其“