团结奋进 创改革大业 规范鉴定 树单位形象——襄樊职业技能鉴定指导中心

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襄樊市职业技能鉴定指导中心成立于1994年,位于襄城区檀溪复聪路 1号,是襄樊市劳动和社会保障局直属事业单位。其主要职责:负责全市职业技能鉴定和技校教研工作按照国家制定的职业技能鉴定规划、政策、标准和有关规定开展鉴定工作;组织国家统考新职业(工种)职业资格鉴定工作;受行政机关委托核发国家职业资格证书,审核鉴定所(站)申报资格,对鉴定所(站)实施年检;组织全市技工学校开展教研活动,优质课评比,教案教改研究及《法律常识》统考等工作。自1999年国家实行职业资格证书制度以来,共组织8万令人参加职业技能鉴定,6.5万人取得国家职业资格证书,其中2000余人取得新职业 (工种)证书。1999年至2005年鉴定人数连续6年居省湖北前列。为提高襄樊市技能人才素质,促进就业与再就业,降低企业人力资源开发成本,规范劳动力市场管理发挥了积极作用。 Xiangfan City Vocational Skills Appraisal Guidance Center was established in 1994, is located in Xiangxi District Tanxi Fucong Road No. 1, is the Xiangfan City Labor and Social Security Bureau directly under the institutions. Its main responsibilities: Responsible for the city’s occupation skill appraisal and technical school teaching and research in accordance with the national development of occupational skills appraisal planning, policies, standards and relevant provisions of the appraisal work; organize national examinations of new occupations (types) occupation qualification appraisal; commissioned by the executive authorities issued National vocational qualification certificate, accreditation appraisal station (station) to declare eligibility, appraisal institute (station) implementation of the annual inspection; organization of the city’s technical schools to carry out teaching and research activities, quality class competitions, teaching reform and “legal knowledge” and other tests. Since the system of vocational qualification certificates was implemented in 1999, a total of 80,000 people have participated in the identification of occupational skills and 65,000 have obtained the national vocational qualification certificates. Over 2,000 of them have obtained the certificates of new occupations (types of work). The number of appraisals from 1999 to 2005 ranked the forefront of Hubei province for six consecutive years. In order to improve the quality of skilled workers in Xiangfan, promote employment and reemployment, reduce the cost of human resources development and standardize the labor market management has played an active role.
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