China's Mechano-electronic Import & Export

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanqingnan
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China’s electronics and machinery exports have witnessed rapid development since China expanded its electronics and machinery exports as a strategic policy in its foreign trade development in 1985. Similarly, electronics and machinery imports also maintained their growth pace in line with China’s national economic development. China’s electronics and machinery trade with foreign countries stood at US$19.97 billion in 1985, with exports taking US$1.68 billion and imports US$18.29 billion. By the year 1994, China’s electronics and machinery trade China’s electronics and machinery exports have witnessed rapid growth since China expanded its electronics and machinery exports as a strategic policy in its foreign trade development in 1985. similar, electronics and machinery imports also maintained their growth pace in line with China’s national economic development. China’s electronics And machinery trade with foreign countries stood at US$19.97 billion in 1985, with exports taking US$1.68 billion and imports US$18.29 billion. By the year 1994, China’s electronics and machinery trade
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在经商过程中,以下十种生意不宜做:一、先调货后收款的生意不宜做或少做。二、预付货款定购期货的生意不宜做或少做。 In the course of business, the following ten type