连线山西:走进山西两会 全面推进转型综改试验区 以实干精神托举兴晋伟业

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节俭办会、瘦身办会既是落实中央“八项规定”的具体行动,也是包括代表委员在内的全省人民的意愿。往年为了把省内重大会议办好,会务组提前要做大量工作,目的是为了让代表委员充分感受到热情、舒心。今年,人大会务组一位同志指着办会方案说,“你看,从不挂横幅、不放绿植、不用警车开道、不设武警站岗,到减少材料印刷、代表们两三分钟办完报到手续,既节约资源又提高效率。 Thrifty will do, weight-loss will be both the implementation of the central ”eight provisions“ of the specific actions, but also including the members of the province, including the wishes of the province. In previous years, in order to run a major conference in the province, the conference group had to do a great deal of work in advance in order to allow the deputies and members to fully feel their enthusiasm and comfort. This year, a comrades of the NPC Standing Committee pointed at the plan of handling the meeting. ”You see, never hanging banners, leaving greenhouses without a police car and setting up armed police stations. By reducing the amount of material printed, delegates will run in two to three minutes After completing the formalities, it not only saves resources but also improves efficiency.
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本文研究了用不同量的I~-(1×10~(-3)-4×10~(-2)mol I~-/mol AgBr)进行表面掺杂的正八面体AgBr乳剂的介电吸收频谱,并用强X射线光源相应作了多晶X射线物相分析。当I~-的加入
The kinetics and mechanism of ligand substitution reactions of nitrilotriacetatoiron(Ⅲ), [Fe(NTA)], and N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-ethylenediaminetfiacetatoiron(Ⅲ),
我们在制造如图1所示的榫齿叶片铣刀时,采用了成形磨削工艺。砂轮型面的修正是 We are using the forming grinding process when making a mortise blade milling cutter