
来源 :中国高校科技与产业化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:langzi229229
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热点背景 改革开放以来,高校为了进一步发挥为社会服,结合我国新技术发展的要求,积极探索适合我国国情的科技成果转化和产业化之路,形成了中国特色并初具规模的高校科技产业群。 随着高校科技产业数量的增加和规模的扩大校企中存在的一些问题开始暴露出来。突出表现在校办产业“产权关系不顺学校直接承担企业运营风险。管理体制不规范,学校对企业行政干预过多、经营性质资本难以自由流动,缺乏投入撤出机制等等。 为了尽快按照建立健全社会主义市场经济体制的客观要求,规范校办企业管理体现,进一步促进高校科技成果产业化和教学、科研事业的健康发展,国务院体改办、教育部决定选择清华、北大进行校办企业管理体制规范化试点工作。 开场白 获悉北大、清华校企改制方案已获教育部批准,在这里特此表示祝贺!今天把诸位请到这里,以北大清华规范校办企业管理体制试点问题,作为核心话题,探讨一下我国高校科技产业发展状况及存在问题。 Since the reform and opening up, colleges and universities in order to further play for the social services, with the requirements of the development of new technologies in China, and actively explore suitable for China's national conditions and scientific and technological achievements transformation and industrialization of the road, formed with Chinese characteristics and the size of the university science and technology industrial clusters . With the increase in the number of university science and technology industries and the expansion of the size of the school-owned enterprises in some of the problems began to emerge. Outstanding performance in the school-run industries "Property rights are not schools directly bear the risk of business operations management system is not standardized, the school too many intervention in business administration, the nature of the business capital is difficult to free flow, the lack of investment withdrawal mechanism, etc. In order to establish as soon as possible Improve the objective requirements of the socialist market economic system, standardize the management of school-run enterprises to further promote the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities and the healthy development of teaching and research, the State Council's Office for Restructuring the Economy, the Ministry of Education decided to choose Tsinghua University, Peking University for business-run school management Institutional standardization pilot work. Opening of the learned Peking University, Tsinghua University School-enterprise restructuring program has been approved by the Ministry of Education, hereby hereby express our congratulations! Here you come here to Tsinghua University to standardize the school-run business management system pilot, as the core topic of discussion About the Development of Scientific and Technological Industry in Chinese Universities and Its Problems.
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《iGod》一书可能是所有乔布斯的传记中最有灵气的作品。  为何这么说?因为在这本薄薄几万字的著作中,作者莫罗佐夫回答了乔布斯为何能成为乔布斯,以及苹果为何成功的故事。如果仅是简单的叙述,事例的堆砌,它当然配不上这样的美誉。而它没有。作者以一种新颖的,之前未曾有过的视角带领读者走进这位传奇人物的生命里。  叶夫根尼·莫罗佐夫,在绝大多数读者眼中都非常陌生。但追溯这位作者的经历,会发现他不仅有着诸多
客厅作为家里主要公共活动区域,是最为重要的“面子”区域,涉及的材料种类较多,施工要求也较高。这期以一份较典型的客厅预算为例进行分析、提醒,供大家借鉴。 As the main