
来源 :北京市人大常委会公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyoung
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市人大常委会:市十四届人大常委会第六次会议听取审议了市检察院关于贯彻实施修改后刑事诉讼法工作情况的报告,指出检察机关在执法理念、能力素质、诉讼格局和工作机制等方面与新法的要求还存在差距。市检察院高度重视,逐一对照问题分析研究,制定方案,整改落实。现将一年来的工作报告如下:一、严格执行证据制度,确保案件质量修改后的证据制度对检察执法和整个刑事诉讼活动影响较大,新法实施以来,全市不捕、不诉等案件数量出现了一定起伏。市检察院经逐 Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee: The Sixth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress heard and deliberated the report of the Municipal Procuratorate on the implementation of the revised Criminal Procedure Law, and pointed out that the procuratorial organs have noticed that in the law enforcement concept, ability and quality, lawsuit structure and working mechanism There are still gaps between the requirements and the new law. City Procuratorate attaches great importance to one by one contrasting the problem analysis and research, develop programs, rectification and implementation. Now the work report of the past year is as follows: I. Strictly implement the evidence system to ensure the quality of the case The amended evidence system has a great impact on procuratorial law enforcement and the entire criminal lawsuit activity. Since the implementation of the new law, A certain ups and downs. City Procuratorate by the expire
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