Two cases of combined liver-kidney transplantation

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzhiqing1984
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Objectives To report the clinical experiences of rnsrmultaneous hepatorenal transplantation.rnMethods We performed simultaneous hepatorenal rntransplantation in one patient with liver cirrhosis of rnhepatitis B and uremia of chronic nephritis on February rn1,1999 and one patient with liver cirrhosis of hepatitis rnB complicated by hepatorenal syndrome on March 12,rn1999.The donors were heart arrest cases. Rapid rnmultiple organ harvesting techniques and UW solution rninfusion in situ were used. Liver and kidney rntransplantation were orthotopic and ordinary methods,rnrespectively. Immunosuppressive drugs consisted of rncyclosporine, Cellcept, ALG and sortstso steroids.rnLamividine was used os day 50 and day 40rnpostoparation, respectively.rnResults Both transplanted organs rapidly achieved rnnormal function postoperation and the patients rnrecovered well but suffered mild kidney rejection day rn110 postopemtion in No 1 patient. In No 2 patient,rnacute renal function failure, mental symptoms, muscle rnspasm,cerebral artery thrombosis, inhalation rnpoeumonia and chronic liver graft rejection ensured rnsequentially but were controlled.The patients have rnsurvived for more than nine and eight months,rnrespectively, with normal life quality.rnConclusions Combined hepatorenal transplant is a rnradical treatment method for liver and kidney function rnfailure and requires more comprehensive techniques rnthan isolated single organ transplantation.Preventing rnthe recurrence of hepatitis B by oral lamividine may be rna kdy to long-term survival.
目的 探索微创颅内血肿粉碎清除术最佳操作步骤和方法 ,探求治疗脑出血的更好疗效.方法 微创1组在血肿抽吸至正常脑压时,即在正常脑压下进行生理盐水与血肿液置换,然后靠液化
目的 研究CT导引下肺部穿刺在临床的应用价值.方法 对150例肺部肿块患者在CT下精确定位,穿刺,活检.结果 150例患者穿刺成功率100%,确诊率90%,并发症8%.结论 穿刺活检可获得病