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目的:对大学生营养状况进行评价以及营养知识、态度、饮食行为调查。方法:选择2015年5月至2016年5月期间收集的肇庆医学高等专科学校100名在校大学生为此次研究对象,对其进行问卷调查,分析在校大学生营养现状、营养知识掌握情况、对营养的态度、营养知识获取途径、不良饮食习惯等现象。结果:从营养现状角度分析,仅9.00%的在校大学生未出现腿抽筋现象,22.00%的在校大学生未出现牙龈出血现象;从营养知识掌握情况角度分析,在校大学生对六大营养素知识最为缺乏,仅25.00%的在校大学生能够完全阐述;从营养态度角度分析,91.00%的在校大学生对营养知识感兴趣,89.00%的在校大学生愿意改变现有的不良饮食习惯,84.00%的在校大学生觉得有必要学习营养知识;从营养知识获取途径分析,55.00%的在校大学生主要从网络途径得知,35.00%的在校大学生主要从人际交流过程中得知,26.00%的在校大学生主要从电视广播中得知;从不良饮食习惯角度分析,65.00%的在校大学生存在边吃早餐边玩手机现象。结论:大部分在校大学生营养状况较差,缺乏对营养知识的了解,且存在较多不良饮食习惯,但其对营养知识具有强烈的求知欲望,对此应加强在校大学生的营养知识宣教,从而改善大学生的健康水平。 Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status of undergraduates and to investigate the nutrition knowledge, attitude and dietary behaviors. Methods: 100 college students from Zhaoqing Medical College collected during the period from May 2015 to May 2016 were selected as the research subjects. Questionnaires were conducted to analyze the nutritional status and nutritional knowledge of college students, Nutritional attitude, access to nutrition knowledge, bad eating habits and so on. Results: From the point of view of nutritional status, only 9.00% of college students did not have leg cramps, 22.00% of college students did not appear bleeding gums; from the nutritional knowledge to grasp the situation analysis, college students most knowledge of the six nutrients Lacking, only 25.00% of college students can fully explain; from a nutritional point of view, 91.00% of college students interested in nutrition knowledge, 89.00% of college students willing to change the existing bad eating habits, 84.00% 55.00% of the undergraduates learned mainly from the Internet, 35.00% of the undergraduates mainly learned from the interpersonal communication process, 26.00% of the undergraduates Mainly from the television broadcast; From the point of view of poor eating habits, 65.00% of college students exist while eating breakfast while playing mobile phone phenomenon. Conclusion: Most undergraduates have poor nutritional status, lack of understanding of nutritional knowledge, and many poor eating habits, but they have a strong desire for knowledge of nutritional knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the nutrition knowledge education among undergraduates, Thus improving the health of college students.
描述了蓼科一新种——密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosum J.L.Liu),本种与细柄野荞麦(F.gracilipes(Hemsl.)Damm.etDiels)相近似,不同在于植株全体密被白色直立长毛,茎枝较粗壮,节较密集,
以磷脂和胆固醇为膜材,采用薄膜分散-高压均质法制备抗坏血酸脂质体.通过对制得的脂质体进行表征考察后发现,平均粒径为90.8 nm,多分散指数(PDI)为0.231,包封率可达60%以上.将