
来源 :党员干部之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ialyialyialy
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社会主义民主的本质是人民当家作主,让人民直接行使民主权利,真正实现人民当家作主,是我们共产党人为之不懈奋斗、探索的一个永恒目标。民主是一种制度,也是意识、传统和习惯.受许多历史和现实的影响,我们一部分农民群众缺乏民主观念,尤其在法律意识和文化素质方面相对薄弱,要推进社会主义民主,难度可想而知,甚至有些人持怀疑态度。但是,我们不能等人民群众都有了民主意识、习惯和传统以后再来实行民主,必须在村民自治的实践中,让农民自己教育自己,不断学习和实践民主。村民委员会组织法的实施,标志着我国农村社会主义民主政治建设进入了一个新阶段。事实表明,农民是朴实的,是有觉悟的,也是最讲实际的。农民完全可以在村民自治的过程中学习民主,培养民主意识、习惯和传统。扩大农村基层民主,实行村民自治,是党领导亿万农民建设有中国特色社会主义民主政治的伟大创造,必须在党的统一领导下有步骤、有秩序地进行。要充分发挥乡(镇)、村党组织的领导核心作用和党员的先锋模范作用,组织和教育农民按照党的路线方针政策办事。同时,要围绕搞好村民自治,提出有建树的意见和建议,支持和保障村民开展自治活动、直接行使民主权利。要及时总结和推广有利于农民群众当家作主的好经验,精心组织,分类指导,推动农村基层民主政治建设健康发展。发展农村基层民主,必须贯彻依法治国方略,同健全法制紧密结合起来。要完善和保障农民直接行使民主权利的法律法规,坚持有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究。对压制和破坏民主、侵犯农民民主权利的行为,要坚决查处。要加强法制教育和宣传,使农村干部增强法制观念和依法办事能力,使农民知法守法,履行应尽义务,用法律保护自己的合法权益。 The essence of socialist democracy is that the people should be the masters of their own affairs. It is an eternal goal for our Communists to unremittingly strive and explore for letting the people directly exercise their democratic rights and truly realize the people as their own masters. Due to many historical and realistic influences, some of our peasant masses lack the concept of democracy, especially in terms of legal awareness and cultural quality. We must find it very difficult to promote socialist democracy, Know, and even some people are skeptical. However, we can not wait for the people to have democracy after they have the democratic consciousness, customs and traditions. We must let the peasants educate themselves and continue to learn and practice democracy in the practice of villager autonomy. The implementation of the Organic Law of the Villagers’ Committee marks that the construction of socialist democracy in rural areas of our country has entered a new stage. Facts show that peasants are simple, enlightened, and practical. Farmers can learn from democracy and cultivate democratic awareness, customs and traditions in the course of self-government of villagers. The expansion of rural grassroots democracy and the implementation of villager autonomy are the great creations of the party leading hundreds of millions of peasants in building socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics and must be conducted in a systematic and orderly manner under the unified leadership of the party. We should give full play to the leadership core role of township (town) and village party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and organize and educate peasants to act in accordance with the party’s line, principles and policies. At the same time, we should make every effort to improve the autonomy of villagers, put forth suggestions and suggestions for building our own trees, support and guarantee the villagers’ autonomous activities and directly exercise their democratic rights. It is necessary to timely summarize and popularize the good experiences that are conducive to being the masters of the peasant masses, carefully organize and classify the guidelines so as to promote the sound development of democratic political construction in the rural areas. To develop grassroots democracy in rural areas, we must implement the strategy of running the country according to law and closely integrate it with a sound legal system. We should improve and guarantee the peasants’ laws and regulations that directly exercise democratic rights. They should adhere to the principle of law and law, follow the law, be strict in their law enforcement and must abide by the law. We must resolutely investigate and punish those who suppress and undermine democracy and violate the democratic rights of peasants. We should step up education and publicity on the legal system so that rural cadres can enhance their legal concept and ability to handle their affairs in accordance with the law so that farmers can follow their laws and obligations and fulfill their due obligations and use law to protect their legitimate rights and interests.
习近平总书记指出:“文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂. 文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强. 文化自信是一个国家、一个民族发展中更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量. 没有高度的文化自信