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多少年来,每当看到中国历史图集,无论是反映考古成就的、汇集文物精品的、辑录历史名胜古迹,或是反映历史大事场景和社会生活的,总是怦然心动,羡慕编写中国历史课本有那么丰富的图像资料可供选用。对比之下,未尝不怅惘于怀,深感编写世界历史课本可供使用的资料相对缺乏。一中一外,彼多此少,那很自然,然而总是令人感到遗憾。所喜的是,改革开放以来,我们得有机会多方面从国外购进或交换图书,参考资料日益丰富起来。因此,中学世界历史课本的编写,无论是文字的或图象的,可供参考和使用的资料,同从前相比虽非天壤之别,却已不可同日而语。从九年义务教育初中《世界历史》(人教版)所插的历史图画看,说它丰富充实、多彩多姿,应该不是夸大其词。得到这样的改善,正是这个时代环境的赐予。我们常常夸一本书,说它图文并茂。这是说二者配合得当,起了相辅相成的作用。谈历史课本的插图,决不是为图而图,而应当是从这个角度出发来审度它的取舍的。人教版初中《世界历史》课本所插历史图画,由于同课本的文字叙述配合密切,数量虽大而不令人感到杂乱,内容品类多样,有助于显示历史的 Over the past few years, whenever I see the Chinese Atlas of History, whether it is reflecting the achievements of archeology, bringing together the finest cultural relics, recording historical sites or monuments, or reflecting scenes of historical events and social life, I am always tempted to envy the preparation of Chinese history Textbooks are so rich in image data to choose from. In contrast, it is not without melancholy that it is deeply lacking in the information available for the preparation of textbooks on world history. It is only natural that one out of two schools should be less than the other. However, it is always regrettable. The good news is that since the reform and opening up, we have had the opportunity to buy or exchange books abroad from various sources. The reference materials are increasingly enriched. Therefore, the compilation of high school world history textbooks, both literary and pictorial, for reference and use, is no longer the same as that of the past. Judging from the historical drawings inserted in the “World History” (PEP) of the nine-year compulsory education junior high school, it should not be exaggerated to say that it is rich, colorful and colorful. To get such an improvement is the gift of the environment of this age. We often boast a book, saying it illustrated. This means that the two are properly coordinated and play a complementary role. The illustration of a history textbook is by no means a diagram of the map, but should be judged from this perspective. The history pictures inserted in the text books of the “World History” of the PEP Junior High School are closely related to the textual descriptions of the textbooks. Although they are large in size but not in disorder, their content categories are diverse, it helps to show the historical
This paper summarized the main detection methods of paraquat,including the instrumental analysis like HPLC,GC,LC-MS / MS,and so on. The research prospects of pa
地处北纬53°线上的黑龙江大兴安岭,是我国气候最寒冷的地区,最低气温可达摄氏零下50°左右,素有“高寒禁区”之称。 Daxinganling, located at 53 ° north latitude, is t