Optimization of band gaps of 2D photonic crystals by the rapid generic algorithm

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anabaow1a1
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Based on the rapid genetic algorithm(RGA),the band gap structures of square lattices with square scatters are optimized.In the optimizing process,gene codes are used to express square scatters and the fitting function adopts the relative values of the largest absolute photonic band gaps(PBGs).By changing the value of filling factor,three cell forms with large photonic band gaps are obtained.In addition,the comparison between the rapid genetic algorithm and the general genetic algorithm(GGA) is analyzed. Based on the rapid genetic algorithm (RGA), the band gap structures of square lattices with square scatters are optimized. The optimizing process, gene codes are used to express square scatters and the fitting function adopts the relative values ​​of the largest absolute photonic band gaps (PBGs) .By changing the value of filling factor, three cell forms with large photonic band gaps were obtained. addition, the comparison between the rapid genetic algorithm and the general genetic algorithm (GGA) is analyzed.
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